
What Would You Do To Change The World?

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And When I Say Change I Mean Help..Make Better.

Just What Would You Do To Make This World A Better Place?




  1. I want to hold a benefit concert with good music for either/both : Parkinsons, Neuroblastoma, AIDS, and bringing back music. I think to bring back music, though, people can perform on stage. The money will go to one of the three illnesses. im thinking the first two. I hope to make it happen :D

    wish me luck

  2. I'd invest all the money spent on wars in finding a way to incorporate common sense into global judicial law.  Then again, we tried that a long time ago and here we are.

    I guess I'd have O.J. and Michael Jackson sent to prison.

  3. try and stop racism and criticism.... ill make sure no one goes to sleep hungrey.. everyone has a roof over their head.. no one is ever hurt because of ignorance.. and also.. to  make sure that everyone is truly treated equally.... great question<33

  4. Well Gandhi said Be the change you wish to see in the world. That is all we can do but who knows where it may lead...

  5. Get rid of Howard Stern

  6. make everyone the same race,and religion....

  7. Reopen Auschwitz and send all gangs there, especially the blacks and latinos

  8. There are loads of rude, crude and senselessly inconsiderate arrogant people.

    My current aim... not to be an inconsiderate person and lend a helping hand if possible at all times.

    It's a much nicer world if people becomes less self centered, more compassionate, more tolerant and more considerate not only to family and friends but also to strangers!!

  9. cure cancer :)

    i dont know if thats what you mean, but my dad died of melanoma skin cancer when i was only 7 months old, my sister was 2, and i never knew him, and so many people loose loved ones from it, so what i would do is

    cute cancer,

    and help family's ... because there are so many family's out there like mine and loved ones dying from it

  10. Put Hillary Clinton in office. She would get rid of the pork in washington on the Democrats and Republicans sides. She would work to get rid of global warming and get health care for every american out there. she would raise minimum wage and make peace with other countries. She would bring the troops home and start giving us a surplus again just as they did before when they were in office.

  11. How can you change the world without having first changed yourself?

  12. Recycle

  13. help DARFUR

  14. mess around  in the past with my time machine

    -i am ur father

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