
What Would You Rate me out of 1-10 ?

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I have a girl and a daughter but i just dont think i am cute but some girls think i am also im 19.

heres the pic

1= Oh my god, you are the ugliest person that I have ever seen-- go play in traffic!

2= You're ridiculously ugly.

3= Ehh... you are in some serious need of plastic surgery, dude.

4= You're not ugly, but you're definitley NOT cute.

5= You're okay, but I probably wouldn't want to be seen with you in public.

6= You're decent, I guess... but you're still nothing to look at.

7= Wow, not bad! You're not REALLY handsome, but you're definitley not ugly.

8= You're really cute!

9= Holy c**p, you're actually pretty hot.

10= Oh my god, I want you! You're amazing!




  1. 4 sorry

  2. dammnn! an 8 :)

  3. -1=You're too old to be this lame.

  4. an 8 - 9

  5. a seven...Wow, not bad! You're not REALLY handsome, but you're definitley not ugly.  which is  a huge compliment cuz i am not that in to black guys

  6. a 4 sorry.

  7. 1 - same as the above person said(jc)

  8. 6  

  9. I give u a 10 u turn me on u s**y thing  

  10. Il give you an 8.


  11. lol well my girl wanted to answer this one

    so she said at first you are a nine

    but you get docked off two points for not smiling


  12. I would give you a 9 on a scale of 1to10. You have nice bone structure and a handsome face. You have nothing too worry about,stop stressing.

  13. 6. . .yep, that list you got going there is hilarious btw

  14. 8


  15. You're as cute as a little puppy dog!  In other words, any girl would be happy to be on your arm, but you're way too young for me.

  16. i give you an 8 but why u bothered anyway if u have a family

  17. 8.5?

    I love black guys.

  18. a 5 i guess.....

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