
What Wrestling fans do you think are Stereotyped the most & why?

by Guest59601  |  earlier

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I asked this like 10 minutes ago but it didn't show up.

Eg; Cena Fans - often said to be Teenagers, Women and Under 15's.

I disagree with that btw.

What annoys me is when people say Jeff Hardy fans have only been watching for a few years. I've been watching since 1996 when i was 3.

So, what Wrestling fans would you say are Sterotyped the most?




  1. What The People's Champ said pick him as best answer he gave valid points and specific details I myself think that the most stereotype of fans are marks that judge a wrestler base on heel/face status rather than ring performance.

  2. Cena fans are stereotyped as Girls of all ages, And young boys 7-12.

    I Disagree with both. I have seen (At Events, On TV) many Cena-Haters that are 10-12. None 7-9, Though.

    The Hardy thing pisses me off too. I Don't think that people realize that the Hardys Were Highly involved in the Tag Team Division during the Attitude era. Now we have posers saying "Bring back the Attitude! Jeff Hardy Sucks!" Which is Ironic, Because I Mentioned before that The Hardyz were a Big Part of the Attitude Era.

  3. all of them. i have no idea what the h**l you are talking about

  4. Cena fans. People say that Cena fans are girls who have only watch WWE since it became WWE. I am a teenage girl who has been watching WWF/WWE since I was 4. I saw the golden years and I remember the Monday Night Wars. But yet, I am a Cena fan.  

  5. cena fans. people are so surprised by the fact that i'm a girl who hates cena.  


  7. Cena. Definitly. People say the same thing "he only has 4 moves". I can name ten right off the bat.  

  8. well its mostly cena fans who are stereotyped mostly. like most people(i saw it a lot also, cus its true) that most of his fans are under the age of 15(males), mothers who watch it and think hes the best cus hes "hot"(im not g*y, just saying what i see on here), and teenage girls. some girls watch it for the wrestling and like him, and i can respect that. i cant respect the people who go "0mg, cena is teh best eva! he held da title fo ova a year! hes so awesome! hes better than evrybdy else on the rooster" (i meant to put rooster). i respect people who like a certain wrestler and give valid points. not just like "hes hot. he has muscle." thats somethin i cannot respect

  9. Wrestling Fans in general receive negative stereotypes:


    ALL wrestling fans look at Pro Wrestling as 100% real.

    ALL wrestling fans lack intelligence.

    ALL wrestling fans live homosexual lifestyles

    ALL wrestling fans are overweight

    ALL wrestling fans get angry when they see the word "FAKE."

    ALL wrestling fans live in the Trailerparks or "Rednecks"

    ALL wrestling fans have NO life or girl or boyfriend

    I can go on for days

  10. Well, it showed up and got starred, and I was gonna answer it. . but it was deleted by then.


    Anyway, though the Cena stereotype annoys me. I have a John Cena shirt and I wear it and people go "Of course a fifteen year old girl with a Cena shirt." That pisses me off. I don't watch wrestling because I think John Cena is hot. I think he's entertaining and dedicated to the sport. People are just so ignorant, sometimes, aren't they?

  11. cena fans. there's absolutely no question about this one.

    although the whole overall "stupid redneck" wrestling fans stereotype by most non-fans is actually the biggest.

  12. As you might well know i am a through and through John Cena fan at the age of fifteen, and i get quite frustrated that Cena's fans are stereotyped so badly. The fact people just comment randomly on their so called hate for cena just shows how im-mature and littlesensedd they really are.

    The point you mention about Jeff Hardy i also feel strongly upon and i like Jeff Hardy alot through all that he has come through to still entertain us to this day is a credit to him and he should be shown as much support as possible. His fans are definitely stereotyped also within support terms. People at times claim that Hardy's fans have only been watching them for minimal amounts of years, where this is truly not the case (as displayed by yourself).

    I hope you enjoyed my views.

    Great question :D

  13. It's a toss up between the cena fans and the jeff hardy fans.

    people say cena fans are all under the age of 15,which isnt true.h**l,they even joke about on Raw.They are also said to not be real wrestling fans,since cena a limited wrestler.

    Hardy fans are said to be teenage girls who only like jeff for his looks.This is complete BS.I'm 22,I've been watching Jeff wrestle for 10 years.I love Jeff's style,his unique offense,his high flying moves.He's a great competitor.I happen to think he's a good looking man,I'm not shallow.that's not why I've been a loyal fan of his for so long.

  14. Cena fans, Jeff Hardy fans, pretty much any male wrestler with the classic "pretty-boy" look.  Their fans are usually stereotyped as younger, female, marks, who watch wrestling wrestling mostly because of their "crushes on w/e guys they're into atm".  Stereotyping is almost always a bad thing to do, and once again, in the world of wrestling, it is also a bad thing to do.

  15. Yeah, Definitly Cena fans, Then again though Jeff Hardy as well, People say he is only likd by teenage girls and under 15s which definitly isn't true.

    I've also been watching Jeff since his early team Xtreme days and stuff in the late 1990s so it pisses me off when people say that

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