
What Wrong With My legs????

by  |  earlier

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Why Are They Doing This?

For the past three days my legs have been bothering me. First i run or walk or move them so ya know i take a break. So when i stand still the start hurting like i fell or ran 10 miles on them. So then i sit down and they tingle and then become numb. Its been keeping me up all night and its really painful. My mom says that there growing pains but they normally don't feel like this. Can you please tell me whats wrong?

-awesum one




  1. Hmm, perhaps it is poor circulation to your legs. Do you legs feel cool to the touch instead of warm? If so maybe you should get it checked out.

  2. it probably is just growing pains

    my legs hurt really bad when i was growing;...

  3. ah...!

    idk maybe from your period?

    im not sure but go to a docter as soon as you can and good luck!

  4. restless leg syndrome.

    you will die.

    just kidding just take pills.


  5. ?  that sounds really aggravating but I've never heard of it before.   Hurting, tingling, numbness.... sounds like nerve problems.  maybe a 'pinched' nerve from your spinal column or somthing?  Have you had a back injury or pain?

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