
What Wuz Always Yur Favourite Thing To Do With Christmas?

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As A Child, Or Even Now, Wht Wuz/Is Yur Favourite Thing(s) About Christmas?

E.g Lights, Tree, Presents, Dinner, Crackers . . . :D x




  1. i loved decorating the tree! and making cookies and other baked goods. and then christmas morning is always the best!


  2. Opening gifts,Celerbrating the birth of Jesus,decorating the tree,hanging out with family.

    These are not in order.

  3. seeing people choke on the coins i put in teh christmas pudding

    dont worry

    only one died

  4. It's not even September yet. Please come back on Dec 1.

  5. cutting down our own christmas tree and watching jack frost on tv :)

  6. I teach two year old and my favorite thing to do with them at Christmas is make reindeer hats and candy cane mice ornmaments.

    My favorite thing at Christmas and any time is to read stories of Christmas.  

  7. Ah when a child now, and as a perpetual Christmas fan and ardent supporter of Father Christmas I have quite the list:


    Eating several lunches and dinners--Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing day, and sometimes a few before and after.

    Sweets, biscuits and cakes, puddings, pies and all the rest of the edibles and drinks.

    The tree, my lights and public displays, Stockings hung for Father Christmas to fill.

    Of course getting presents, but most importantly the people. Those long deceased (grand Parents and parents), and those alive--God parents, brother, sister-in-law that keeps the traditions going, all me mates and most importantly the little children, nieces and nephews...

    It is hard to not think of something that is not more special in the run up to, Christmas, and its afterglow.

    Of Christmas past the greatest thing I miss was having parents and grandparents all gathered round, hardly awake and sharing the moment. Christmas morning began with Grandad shaking the bed and saying "Father Christmas has Come!" Then he would go througout the entire house proclaiming the good news.

    I guess there is a large part of me Granddad in me, when it comes to Christmas, I hope to never fully grow up "with sweet near-tear in me eye for all the Christmasses past" --That Cheeky Christmas Elf

  8. When I was younger, my brother, who is 7 years older than me, would come into my room at 6am, turn on my light and tell me to get up.

    He would then go into my other brother's room, who is 5 years older than me, and sit on his bed and squeeze his nose.

    I would be the one to get my parents up, but they demanded their coffee be made first, then they'd get up at 8!

    It's not the same anymore though. My older brothers are 22 and 20, and stay in bed until noon. And for some reason, my dad came into my room last year to wake me up and my younger brother, who is 7 years younger than me.

    My mum was ill, so she kept going back to bed, but forced to come back down again by my dad, who doesn't like one of my brothers and can't be bothered to wake the 2 up, so it was just us 4. I didn't like it.

  9. I'm quite the 1950's housewife (but tattooed , lol)   and I've been doing this since i was a kid too , but

    I dress up in a nice evening/cocktail dress , put on an apron , do my hair , put Bing Crosby's Christmas album on the record player and decorate the Christmas tree and house , I also bake (much more than needed , but who cares its Christmas!)

    I also dress up , vintage fur and all , and go shopping in our cities historic district with my sister.


  10. I like the fact that all our family get together during the christmas period and i like all the food.


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