
What a crock. I hate my wife, she's fat, slovenly, nasty and mean, and if not for her massive trust fund, ?

by  |  earlier

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I'd have run screaming years ago. I feel so trapped by money though. How do I get over my love of cash? I like my Ferrari, and my hot mistresses, but why does this have to come at such a high cost? I just can't take much more of my awful wife, moo moo lovins'. I going to go sob now.




  1.   for a small fee, I can entertain her for you, well maybe a little more if s*x involved, but you'll have more time to yourself.  

  2. troll.


  4. Why is she so mean and nasty. How can any amount of money be worth that. Make her take a bath and exercise and take some therapy and then maybe it will work.

    Good luck

  5. Now you are being a real a** you just said in your last question there was not trust fund and I am willing to bet there is not wife either...

  6. Will You stop complaining about the fat pig, and get rid off Her.  Does She drink Gatorade?  Disposing the lard azz might be a problem.  Just do it Hot Chili Dog.

  7. I just got done answering one of your other questions.  Moo moo needs to take the cash - get gastric bypass surgery...crash your ferrari, transfer her trust fund to a swiss bank account and leave you and your mistress in the poor house...then hook up with a guy who has class

  8. dont worry, school will start again soon.

  9. learn to live on what you can earn....mooching off any other person is a big character flaw.

  10. Oh boo hoo.....poor baby.

  11. send her off to have her thyroid checked before it explodes!

  12. Oh! Frankie you forgot if you lose the money you'll lose the honey too.  Do you really think the mistress will stay with wants the money gone?  As for your wife maybe if you paid more attention to her she would lose the weight too.  As far as feeling trapped you don't sound like your trapped to me.  As far the money goes you really need to get over it.  When you die wouldn't be able to take the Ferrari, mistresses, the dog, cat, money or cash with you... So it's best to start getting use to it soon.  Lusting over money and women or men you need to get some help like counseling ASAP BUDDY What are you waiting for get up and get going and don't look behind only look forward...

  13. Love the new name;)

  14. It has to come at such a high cost because you have failed to address your deepest fears and failed to forgive your parents for raising you incorrectly in a bad environment.  

    However, can you send me some tips on women?  It seems you have that alpha stud quality that I lack.  It is possible that you could give me the instructions I need to learn how to get my wife excited enough to want me.  If you could "add information" to your question, and give me the right tips, and if your suggestions work, then I'll contact some people I know who will "take care of your situation" in a way that should work out for you.  I'll also contact God and arrange for the files to be "adjusted".

    Thanks a lot.

  15. now that's the frank n beans i know and love!!!

  16. Frank are you really serious?  Can you send me some of that trust fund? Please?  I don't want it all just some of it.  

  17. Poor guy,  the things he has to do.   In order to have a nice car and nice things. Tell your mistress to give you a nice rub down.  Tell her you're  all stressed out.

  18. i see you still haven't drove off that cliff yet? what a shame

  19. try to be poor for a day...

  20. Like your previous post.....people are going to believe you and I will get the thumbs down when I say dump the cow.

  21. OK Frank, I told you not to post on here any more complaining like that.  YOU know why I keep you, right?

  22. Well, you know what they say Frankie baby, money can't buy you love but it sure does help ease the pain!

  23. Are you...serious? No, I suppose not. "What a crock" after all...

  24. to bad for you cuz if u leave her you'll have to work and maybe not even have your ferrari so decide


  25. Is this for real? If so, get a divorce. If you dont want a divorce, stop complaining. You sound like a terrible person. Shallow. I would be willing to guess you arent that great looking either.  

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