
What a good boxing routine i have a <span title="treadmill,speedbag,punching">treadmill,speedbag,punchi...</span> bag,and a jump rope?

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What a good boxing routine i have a treadmill,speedbag,punchi... bag,and a jump rope?




  1. 1.  Run on your treadmill at moderate speed for 20 to 30 minutes.

    2.  Do your stretchings.

    3.  Shadowbox for 3 rounds (3 mins./round).

    4.  Hit the heavy bag again for 3 rounds.

    5.  Work on your speed bag for 3 to 5 rounds.

    6.  Jump rope for 3 rounds.

    7.  Finish your routine with your ab exercises.

  2. 7 sets of: 20 push ups, 25 sit ups

    do 15 minutes of speed bag w/o stopping 1 MIN BREAK

    do 30 min punching bag.. work right, left, cominations

    jump rope 20 minutes w/o stopping 2 min break

    run 2 miles.


    do that daily.. and you will be in the best shape ever..

    also shadow box.. u dont need anything for that..

    you may want to shadow box with 4 lb weights in each hand to gain tremendous speed...

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