
What a good method to get started on potty traing...?

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my 2 yr old son???




  1. I think you wait until your sure he's ready, and then put him in underwear and don't turn back.

    Pull-ups are confusing.  Kids just pee in them.

    Use diapers at night, until he masters night training.  But use underwear during the day, no exceptions.

    The first day or two will be messy...  But he'll catch on!

    Both of my kids potty trained just after their 3rd birthday...  I didn't want to potty train too early and have to do it for 6 months!

  2. Find something he likes and use as a reward. My daughter loves stickers. We found an Elmo Potty Training Coloring book. In the book it had a chart that you put stickers on every time they do what they are supposed to. She loved it and in two weeks was completely potty trained. My mother just potty trained my 2 year old nephew and she just put him on the potty every time she went. Now granted he still wears pullups and has accidents every once in awhile, but he just turned 2 in August and goes on the potty most of the time. Good luck.

  3. The most important thing is making it seem like a wonderful, exciting thing.  You'll have many failures before you start seeing success, and he'll "fall off the wagon" a few times.  It's key that you do not punish him for going potty in his pants or not making it to the bathroom on time, because shame will really affect a little guy.  Just give him lots of praise and hugs when he does go, and tell him what a big boy he is that he can go potty like big people.  

    Another important thing is to get into the habit of putting him on the potty after he's had a meal since that is the most likely time that children will need to eliminate.  Don't make a chore of it, and try to make it fun - or make a game of it.  He needs to feel a real sense of accomplishment when he does it properly, because little children want very much to please their parents and make them proud.

    If Dad is around, he needs to be involved.  He can show the little guy how "big boys" do it, and he'll want to emulate his dad.  

    The most important step is just having the courage to get started.  Put underpants on him in the daytime when you can monitor him, and diapers at night for a while til he gets the hang of it.  Then make a huge deal when he graduates to wearing underpants at night.

    Good luck - it's such an awesome feeling of accomplishment for parents and children when you finally have success!

  4. I am working on potty training my 2 year old boy also..what is working very well for me is to definitely get rid of the diapers and pull ups! we have been training for about a week and he wears big boy underwear (makes him feel so proud) during the day..he's  already starting to go to the potty alone! I take him to potty about every 15 minutes and whenever he actually does something we sing..YAY we went pot-tay! he loves it! Also he gets the honors of flushing..only if he uses the potty!

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