
What a good science lesson to teach using bears???

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I was thinking hibernation would be a good topic to discuss but what else???




  1. Bear Lesson

    Key Idea: Habitats / Different Species all around the world.

  2. How they can smell their prey from miles away?

  3. Bear Lesson:

    Goal: To expose the children to the hibernation process of bears through the making of a bear's cave.

    Objectives: To expose the children to the reasons bears hibernate. (Lack of food sources)

    To expose the children to what bears eat. (most eat nuts,fruit,berries,plants,insects,honey,...

    To expose the children to the hibernation process. (storing fat, heart rate, body temperature)

    To tie in the teachers theme of winter.

    To allow children to work cooperatively in making a class bears cave.

    Materials: Newspaper, tape, ecto-knife, sponges, soap, paper towels, smocks, paints, containers for paint, paint

    brushes, paint rollers, washing machine box, chart paper, magic markers, cameras, "Time to sleep" by

    Denise Fleming.

    Motivation: Engage the children in conversation on what they already know about bears.

    Procedure: Teacher will assign children in groups on a rotating basis so all children who want, can participate.

    Motivation. Things we do for the cold winter season.

    Discussion on hibernation.

    Children will prepare themselves for painting. (adorn smocks)

    Allow children to paint.

    Allow children to clean up.

    Repeat with new group of children.

    Leading questions: What are some of the ways you know it is winter?

    What are some of the things you do for winter?

    Where does the snow fall?

    If the snow covers their food, what can bears do?

    Why do you think bears are fat?

    What do bears do during the winter?

    What's a big word we use to mean sleep for a long time?

    Why do you think bears hibernate for the winter?

    Follow-up: Dramatic play using the bears cave.

    (Do not limit the colors used for the cave to only brown or what you think a cave looks like. Allow the children to be creative. The children I worked with created a Monet look alike)

    I really hope this helps

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