
What a job would be like in italy?

by  |  earlier

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i was wondering.....for a project what a common job would be like in Italy..or an example.






  1. .

  2. gondolier

  3. per me come straniero preferisco un lavoro di traduttore italiano-arabo ... italiano-inglese....trovo soddisfazione in questo campo......mi sento vivo....

  4. I guess it would depend on where in Italy. I have only been to Sicily and they are mainly mom and pop stores and service jobs like waiters. One thing I think is true, if you are looking for a long visa you would either have to open a business and hire natives or prove to government you have the money to support yourself. They are protectionist and jobs are hard to find for young.. Hope I am not discouraging you, it is such a beautiful country

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