
What a load of rubbish!? Council policies?

by Guest59268  |  earlier

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Who are the idiots who think that charging people for putting out more than one rubbish bin per week (or in some cases per two weeks) is a workable scheme? the end result will clearly be our Highways and Verges will be littered with thousands of sacks of dumped rubbish which Council's will have to foot the bill to clear the mess up. What a brilliant way of "saving" money NOT.




  1. We already pay for this through council tax, and they provide such a p**s poor service for a lot of money! it is unbelievable cheek that they now demand that we pay again for something that we've paid for once already!!!

    I think sod em, im just going to fly tip, and then they can deal with it.

    I think when they start having huge costs for dealing with fly tipping the idiots might realise they got this wrong.

  2. there's daily pick up of rubbish bags in most metros in UK n Continent..

  3. Why not?

    When they were the rubbish collector.

    What do you think?

  4. Stupid idea. Do you think anyone will get a discount on their council tax if they don't put any rubbish out for collection but just bag it all up and take it to the tip?

    I thought not.

  5. Surely you don't expect Councillors to have any common sense. Fly tipping is already costing a fortune to clean up and in this area of Devon the Council has raised the cost of collecting large items to over £40, so the lanes near my village now have an assortment of, mattresses, washing machines, fridges etc. the Councillors come up with stupid ideas to appease the nanny state and we as the tax payer foot the bill.

  6. yep that's the council for ya ................if they had a brain they would be dangerous :)

  7. its either gonna be a single person or someone that lives alone

    face it no one with a family would find that a good idea!

    there is far to much rubbish to merit fortnightly pick ups!

    shocking really,

    so my guess the person that thought it up is one thats got no family

  8. This is what has happened in the Republic of Ireland. Charging people for taking away rubbish means

    1/ More littering and illegal dumping


    2/ Possibly worse - people burning their rubbish in their backyards or fireplace, harming the environment.

  9. Councils have to get their money from somewhere.

    The Labour Govt. has cut subsidies to Local Authorties and imposed other charges upon them.

    I think it is absurd the money Local Authorities get and all the man in the street ever gets, is his bin removed and now they want to charge you extra for that.

  10. Yes a case in the papers today,,,There was to much recyclable rubbish ,,,to pick up the council  took it all to the tip and dumped it all,,,,,Thanks,,,,

  11. Hi,thats exactly what will happen.People will dump litter where ever they can.

  12. I think it's time that we were allowed to choose our own waste disposal company - and remove the need from the council.  It's a private company that collects the rubbish anyway, so why can't we choose?

    Waste collection (and charging) is just another way for the council to scam money from everyone to pay for the translation of their leaflets into 17 different languages for those that don't speak English.

  13. As a councillor who is fighting this. It is dictate from New Labour. They have squeezed councils so hard this is another way they want us to save money at local level so they can waste it at national.

  14. i think that the supermarkets should take off the unnesecery wrapping from ALL the products  so we wont produce so much rubish... i started takeing off the rubish at the counter and giveing them back wots not needed...if more people did it they would learn fast.

  15. Where i live your bin has to be out before 8am,So many myself included put the bins out the night before,If this charge is implemented i can see what will happen.This scheme is un workable.

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