
What a strange but pleasant dream about a boy?

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Over the years, occasionally I would have a dream about a boy who I've never met! I don't always see his face quite clearly in the dream, but I see that he is tall, a little thin, has dark brown hair, and a pronounced nose. His voice is also enchanting, haha. In my dreams he would always be teasing me or tussling my hair or holding my hand and taking me somewhere. It's always implied that he's very in love with me- even moreso than I am with him.

Anyway, more recently, I had a very detailed dream in which he and I were having an affair (behind my boyfriend's back), but I felt no regret because I no longer felt much affection for my boyfriend. In this dream he took me to his apartment and we got intimate (it was implied that this was not the first time). Then, when school started again my boyfriend broke up with me gently because "we were drifting apart". I took the breakup well. Then, I take the role of the nameless boy, where a friend tells me that the girl (me in real life) and her boyfriend had broken up. I am overjoyed, and I call the girl to tell her not to answer her phone that evening no matter what (because i was afraid of her boyfriend calling to make up), and that I had a suprise for her tomorrow. Then in the dream I switch back to being the girl, and during a time where alot of my friends (but none of the boyfriends friends) are hanging out, he gives me roses, gets down on his knees and smiling asks me to be his girlfriend. I smile, start to blush, not knowing what to do. I tell him "but its so soon! I just seperated from him yesterday!" but he makes a pouty face and I can't help but take him. We hug and he starts kissing me on the cheeck over and over, in between telling me how happy he is and that he promises he'll be the most amazing boyfriend. I tell him not to be too show-y that we're going out, because I don't want to hurt my ex boyfriend. I tell him to wait one week until he can act like my boyfriend in public (which is kind of useless seeing as he asked me out in front of a big group of friends, but oh well).

Then I flash to the next day, where everyone is talking about it. They're all suprised. A lot of people talk badly about me because I got over my ex so soon, but I'm still happy. Everyday of the week, he gave me a different and expensive gift with a little note. And everyday, my ex boyfriend (who is always sitting with a few of his friends) sees me walking by with the gift in my hand. I kind of feel smug at this point- and really really happy! This boyfriend is all I ever asked for, so polite, charming, and in love with me.

I flash to about a month later. The strange part about this part of the dream is that now that I have this amazing guy as an actual boyfriend, without the thrill of being with him on the sly, I kind of want my old boyfriend back (I knew that my old boyfriend was very in love with me and handsome and sweet also, and I let the relationship stale on purpose so I could finally be with the other guy). I was doubting myself. But I knew that if I go back to my old boyfriend, I'll eventually want the perfect guy back (and the gifts he keeps showering on me). In the dream I'm stuck in the dilemna of wanting both!

Ah, again, thats such a strange dream! In real life, I am still with my boyfriend, and there is no gentlemen bringing me roses. But also like in my dream, my boyfriend is handsome and a total sweatheart, and loves me more than I love him. There's also no one else. Haha I don't know why I posted this, I'm sure the dream doesn't mean too much, besides maybe exposing that I'm not completely fulfilled with my current guy, which I guess I already knew. I guess I just wanted to share this strange dream. Does anyone have a "nameless" boy that enters their dreams on occassion? What are your thoughts on this dream?




  1. this is your mind at work. you hardly ever dream of strangers. you dream about people you see often or think a lot about. and it is strange, because in a lot of dreams, you never see your own face, or any body else's face. i think that you are crushing on the guy you are dreaming about, but you are just not 100% surea bout it yet.

  2. Dreams are usually just dreams- garbled stories that your brain makes up in an attamept to make sense of all your prominent thoughts. You can interpret them anyway you like and occasionally, a dream can mean something is bothering you or affecting you. More than likely though, you're just enjoying a mini-movie your imagination just created out of nowhere, for no reason. If you've been having this dream for a while, then its kind of like watching a favorite movie over and over again which slight variations. I wouldn't read too much into it.

  3. Ready for my dream? here goes, hope you like it and are able to read all of it ;-)

    My dream is about this girl who sat two seats to the left of me at Chrior 8th grade, two years ago (true in real life). In the dream I would look at the girl, and she would alway touch my cheek and sadly shake her head. Never knew what this ment... In real life i always like this girl alot, and to tell you the truth I never felt the same with any other girl exept her.

    Every time I saw her, it was as if it were the first time, for I would always forget how she looked after she left my sight. Therefore, eveytime I saw her, my heart would jump and my jaws would close tight.

    Now, one time in the dream, she went up to me and nodded. the next day in real life I was debating over giving her a letter... One of my friends found out, and stole the letter form me and gave it to her. The next night, i my dream was of her with a confused look. Soon after i got a call from her yelling telling me to never talk to her again basicly.

    So I found out latter...that my "Friend" wote leters to her also, signged by me, and they were not the nicest of letters....Soon afterwords he charmed her and dated her...that's how my dream affected my real, as i dream, I picture her crying and have no idea why...before she seemed so happy with my "friend" in the dream, but now she is by herself and won't even face me....

  4. wow....

  5. Wow. sounds like you should take a lot of naps  hahaha xox

  6. If you feel you are missing something with your current boyfriend then talk to him.  BUT expensive gifts should be the last thing on your mind.  It's how he treats you.

    The prefect guy in your dream is your idea and a part of you. I suspect that you love yourself more than you love others.  That doesn't have to be a bad thing but if it interferes with other relationships it should give you pause for thought.  

    Its time for introspection and a lot of soul searching.  It sounds from your description that you have an almost perfect person in love with you don't throw that away.  No one is perfect.

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