
What a way to go out of the Tour de France!?

by Guest33044  |  earlier

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France's Herve Duclos-Lassalle of the Cofidis team became the first rider in the 180-man field forced from the race. His Tour debut ended when he tumbled to the ground and broke his wrist after a rider's refreshment bag got stuck in his front-wheel spokes.

How would you feel if you were forced out a bike race with an accident like this?




  1. Oh that would feel terrible. With those hundreds of hours under his belt.....I had to train for a whole year before I was state champ...then I had a really bad crash and really hurt my sternum so i didn't get to go to Nationals. That was awful. Imagine his situation, making it to the Tyler Hamilton broke his collar bone and rode two more days before dropping out, surprising hunh?

  2. Four words:  Beloki crash, 2003 Tour.  *Shudder*

  3. Tyler Hamilton finished the Tour with a broken collar bone and no real meds for it.  He was tossed out the next year for a bad blood test.

  4. I was watching this as it happened.  I am glued to TDF every year. and you see something like this happen all the time - Lance Armstrong when he came off when a supporters cap caught the handle bars. He wasn't to badly injured.. in fact he went on to win again.  It is sad because they train for this event,  (depending on the severity) it puts them out for the rest of the cycling season.  Not only that but it reduces the effectiveness of the team.

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