
What about Alien Technology?

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If Aliens can come across the universe, do you think they have access to the internet? Why do they need to dissect cows and give people anal probes? Cant they look up all the information they need. If they are so advanced, it shouldnt be hard to figure out our language, I know we would have figured out thiers.

Maybe they are on yahoo answers, and gathering info. Maybe they are the people who tell everyone there are no aliens. They want us to believe they dont exist so we wont be prepared for the attack.

Lets get them......




  1. I'd thank that they already know anything that could be found on the Internet. Their asking questions that we could only guess at.

  2. anal probes??????

  3. The possibility of alien tapping into our communication system to gather information instead of landing and risking catching a disease does make sense (I have used it often to rule out all those people who claim to have been probed or who insist that alien are walking on this planet).

    But I fail to see why an alien civilization having the capability of traversing the huge expanse of space would gain by attacking us.  What resources are so important and vital here than cannot be found in abundance elsewhere?

    And if they wanted to get rid of us, an attack from orbit would be so easy to do and essentially risk free; and they would have done it a long time ago, before we risk finding a way to protect ourselves from it or retaliate.

    Therefore, the Occam razor here is that no alien civilization is observing us.

  4. One could say that we have already been attacked by said "Aliens"

    In my book there is no worse an Alien than Humans themselves. Lets face it so many folk state

    "I wanna go to space"

    Fools don't they know they are already in Space!

    You only have to see all the pictures man has taken of the Earth from outer spcae to know that!

  5. Are you a bit bored today by chance?


  6. Well. Assuming aliens *are* here, and are busily probing cows and whatnot.

    I would guess that the reason they don't just ask us is because *we* don't know the answers to their questions yet either.

    Like you say - they'll be more advanced than us, scientifically, so they are likely to ask questions like "Why don't cows use their slagurgic froohickey properly when channeling hoomina energy?" and we'd be like "what is a slagurgic froohickey, and what is hoomina energy?"

    To ask us might be like us asking a caveman what type of pocket calculator he preferred.

  7. There's more to this then meets the eye.

  8. In Carl Sagan's Book, the Demon Haunted World, he makes a strong case that Aliens have taken the place of Demons and Gods in our mythology. He draws numerous instances of this in pop culture including the X-Files and modern UFO culture.

    But the question is have we really been visited? What do the facts reveal? And ultimately we need to go on those facts and not want we want to be true.

    If we were face to face with a species that had technology that let them span the vast distances of space, there would be no "getting them"!

    They could read the internet, (they'd know about us through our radio and TV broadcasts first though), and their technology would certainly outmatch anything we could throw at them.

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