
What about Breaking Dawn disappointed you most?

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I recently bought Breaking Dawn, the last book in the Twilight series (not the LAST BOOK but the last to the story). I waited in the mall for HOURS with my friend reading Chicken Soup books on the Borders floor. We even fell asleep. Sadly, after all of that, I am greatly disappointed with Stephenie Meyer's work.

First of all, I was a little shocked when Bella got pregnant. I realize that they were old enough and all but it was sort of like a wake up call. Now they're no longer a romantic teenage couple. Put your hopes down, girls, because s**y teenage heart-throb Edward Cullen is now... a daddy.

Next, I know Bella was destined to become a vampire but I'm going to miss the delicately romantic relationship they had. With Bella being a fragile human and Edward being a vampire, it made for an adorable plot. Now they're both vampires, leaving the plot somewhat mundane and unappealing.

Furthermore, JACOB IMPRINTING ON RENESMEE? That's a little sick. And why didn't Edward practically kill him? He seemed blaze about the whole ordeal. If the man who wanted to steal your wife suddenly imprinted on your DAUGHTER, what would you think?? It reminded me of Cape Fear, and quite frankly that movie gave me a creeped out and disgusting feeling. Uggh.

Lastly, I know Renesmee isn't a regular baby, but I think it's a little too strange that she's practically a newborn and she already has shoulder-length hair. Twilight protrayed the Cullens as vampires sort of go against society's ancient vampire myths, and for those of you who aren't familiar with vampire lore, a baby born with teeth is a BIG sign of a vampire. That sort of clashed with the plot. I think the baby is a little too supernatural. I mean come on... a week old and she's already the size of a toddler? It just adds more weirdness to an already screwed up book.

I was very depressed at first when I finished the book. I no longer look at Twilight like I did before.

Aren't you guys tired of great series, games or books, becoming trash? Tomb Raider, Twilight... what will be next?




  1. I totally agree with Izabelle, Twilight saga is very different now..i look at it different..she really screwed this up..I went to the breaking dawn party and everything waiting for this book and it was a huge let down omg!!


    she ruined it and now i cant ever be fixed..****** up *** ending..

    thanks alot SM

  2. I noticed a change in her writing and the way that bella talked... like when she threw aro's gift in the corner she said that  Renesme could play with it if she wishes... if she wishes? i don't remember bella having such good grammar.. also i didn't like how all of a sudden everyone was calling Jasper Jazz... you cant change things in the last book. Jacob CAN"T imprint on Renesme that's not fair to bella... in eclipse bella kissed him and didn't want him to stop and then she realized that she was in love with him. and that was completely forgotten in the next book? not that I am on jacobs side its just odd to throw in a twist like that at the end of a book and then make everyone think about it and its not even in the next book? what? I didn't like the gruesome mutant spawn part... that wasn't in context with the other books. I'm slightly okay with the growing baby I think that has to do with the cromosomes conversation because she has the same as jacob and he also had a growth spirt and that was okay... but it could have done without. It was very disapointing and very off...

  3. pregnant? really? eww, shes a teen. and lovely edward a daddy. that is so hard to put in my head. sometimes i refuse to believe any of it. yea sm screwed it up for me. but i do like jacob. zafrini has a cool gift

  4. What disappointed me was that it flew by so easily. It has the typical happy ending. There were only three major events (the rest is just boring descriptions to fill in time), and even then they wernt enought to make you all shocked.

    I love all of the other books, and the Twilight movie wont do justice to the book.

    "I was very depressed at first when I finished the book. I no longer look at Twilight like I did before."

    I completely agree.

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