
What about Colt Cabana? And another name you know.?

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Is anyone else a bit irritated that Colt Cabana's name is going to be Scotty Goldman on Smackdown?

WQ 2-Although Evan Bourne was the one who came up with his name, would it have been so bad to stay Matt Sydal?




  1. I am pissed that he's not Cabana and is "Goldman" instead, at least it looks like part of his gimmick is still there. His promo still funny as always though.

    WQ2: Yeah I 100% prefer Matt Sydal simply because it sounds better than Evan Bourne. But I guess it's kinda like starting of fresh.

  2. Yeah, that is kind of g*y.

    WQ 2: Yes, he should, Matt Sydal was awesome with the nickname, SuiSydal.

  3. hey buddy i havn't wached smackdown for a while who are all these new guys??????????  

  4. Yes I think its very lame, they should of let him keep his gimmick. I was really wanting to see a Second City Saints reunion with CM Punk.

    WWE really screwed up this time!

    WA-It really does not matter to me.

  5. I'm hoping they can pull an Evan Bourne and change his name the next show if they're actually bringing him up tonight because that's a bad name. If it's just a job match and they're still using him in FCW, then "Scotty Goldman" is alright.

    I wish he could've stayed Matt Sydal, but perhaps he changed it so that he can keep the Sydal name in the indies in case he didn't succeed in the WWE, since the WWE usually trademarks the name. Who knows?

  6. I'm a huge Colt Cabana fan. I was hoping they'd let him keep his name like they did for CM Punk, but oh no WWE had to f*ck up something that was great, no surprise there. I wanna see a Punk vs Cabana rivalry.

    WQ:Either way i'm fine with it, as long as he's getting air time and a push its all good.

    **Can you email me about Scotty Goldman, was it a dark match or a regular match that aired on tv?**

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