
What about Cuba's (and, of course, Serbia's) territorial integrity?

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At least there are no n**i/SDA/KLA/HDZ stile concentration camps in South Osetia or Abkhazia. Besides, it was the South Osetians who were butchered by Suck..., the ally of "Lips" (Bush's nickname during his youth), for refusing to join NATO or to send troops to help "Lips'" occupation of Iraq.




  1. Cuban cigars are bad.

  2. I can assure you that as for the integrity of Serbia and Russia, if and when needed, there will be thousands of us to feel Serbian and Russian enough to volunteer for their defense and integrity.

    Not mercenaries, like Saakasvili's and Co ones, paid with U.S.A. dollars, but true and selflessly offering themselves volunteers.

  3. A dictatorship and a despotism which forfeited its territorial integrity by condoning and assisting in ethnic cleansing.

    Let's get the world's smallest violin to play the world's saddest tune for these guys.  They didn't succeed in spreading their malignant form of government to all of their neighbors.  Sniff, sniff.

  4. um you forgot one

    china vs tibet

    need to look on all sides here, yes understandable with the conflict, but they need to solve it beside a table, suporting riot is only causing the superpowers to flex muscles, which gives us what we got

    if not and we accept this type of break outs, then we will be opening for any region of the world disagreeing trying to riot their way out (also in the cases where there is no reason for it)...who's up next then...Hawai? how many think US will let hawai go if they ask nicely? what about if they stage civil riot? yeah no...see the issue here? it goes a lil deeper then just infront of ones nosetip.

  5. Please reword your question so it doesn't butcher the English language.

  6. Don't you just love the fact that after all those hundreds of assination attempts, a catastrophic attempted invasion, and the childish and petulant embargoes/Helms Burton Bill etc, Castro has spent the last fifty odd years giving the finger to the USA. It's funny to hear the US label him a despot & dictator, yet their pet dictator Batista and his death squads get no mention at all.

    Viva Castro!

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