
What about Global Cooling

by Guest60090  |  earlier

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"Over the past year, anecdotal evidence for a cooling planet has exploded. China has its coldest winter in 100 years. Baghdad sees its first snow in all recorded history. North America has the most snowcover in 50 years, with places like Wisconsin the highest since record-keeping began. Record levels of Antarctic sea ice, record cold in Minnesota, Texas, Florida, Mexico, Australia, Iran, Greece, South Africa, Greenland, Argentina, Chile -- the list goes on and on." Monitors Report Widescale Global Cooling/article10866.htm

I wanted to post this so that all these environuts could see. This is some staggering evidence that Man made global warming is just not true.

I want to know what some of you eco fanatics are saying about 2007 being biggest drop in global temperature since the 21st century.

of course the liberal media isn't going to recognize it or fear of being the first one. so i can't find anything refuting it. I think the global warming hoax is comming to an end but i'm worried all the retarded sheeple are just gonna start believing arousal is the cause or they try to play it like all there efforts to stop global warming is paying off.




  1. That was 20 years ago,And the last few.

  2. The second law of thermodynamics states that everything will eventually lead to maximum entrophy which means that the Universe is getting colder, not warmer as we are running out of energy and once again, science has slapped global warming nuts right in the face with facts as opposed to global warming conjecture.

  3. ya know, your link didn't work.  so i searched for weather in daily tech, and found:

    <<DailyTech has previously covered the frantic pace of melt in Greenland, which is accelerating, dumping vast amounts of water into the sea.  Meanwhile, the North Pole has been steadily melting away as well.  Fortunately, the North Pole ice is floating, and thus will not affect sea levels, but its dissolution is an important indicator of warming.

    While some remain critical that global warming is occurring at all, the melting of the North Pole represents a sharp indicator against voices of doubt.  Now scientists are predicting that a major milestone will be reached this summer or next -- the disappearance of the North Pole's ice cover during the Arctic Summer.

    To most, imagining the North Pole without ice -- only water -- is an incredible prospect.  But that's the reality of a warming world.>>

  4. Peter (narrating his life): "I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. I looked with a grimace at the questionable meal Lois had placed in front of me. Of course I'd never tell her how disgusted I was with her cooking, but somehow I think she knew. Lois had always been full of energy and life, but lately I had begun to grow more aware of her aging. The bright, exuberant eyes that I had fallen in love with were now beginning to grow dull and listless with the long fatigue of a weary life. (Lois knocks Peter out.)

    I woke several hours later in a daze."

  5. Buy a jacket and stock up on Swiss Miss.

  6. Actually, "they" have taken to blaming these cooling events warming.  So global warming is now the cause of warm temperatures, and cool temperatures.  That about covers it I guess.

  7. Aren't weather cycles a grand thing

  8. ~ ahhhhh,,,,,,very good .....I must say for me,,,I live in the desert,,and oh my so tired of the "heat"  115- 120 degrees,,,,may I please have some rain or snow....

  9. AMEN!!!!!

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