
What about McCain's current platform and VP pick is "Maverick"?

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what issues is he breaking the GOP mold on?

he has a congressional record of it... but I can't find these Maverick moves in his platform now though? and Palin seems to be GOP all the way?

did I miss the Maverick part? can someone point it out?




  1. being a "maverick" to you means picking a VP that the libs would about this...Obama touts himself as the candidate for "change"..yet, he says what ever he needs to say to cater to the audience at that moment...just like all the other politicians....Obama claims to want to "change" things in DC...yet picks someone for VP who has been in Washington for over 30yrs..Obama says he is a "uniter"..yet, he has separated himself from his Pastor of 20yrs..separated himself from his Muslim connections..separated himself from his "white" half of his family..and separated himself from his half brother in Kenya who is living off of less then a dollar a month, while Obama makes millions...Obama claims he is the candidate for women of America...and passes over Hillary for VP..........McCain on the other hand HAS bucked the establishment with his choice of this fine woman..she IS an outsider..can't get much farther from DC then Alaska...she HAS cut spending in her state and, hold on to your hat, she didn't spend the money, she SAVED IT!!!...McCain DOES reach across the isle with much legislation with his name on it, and also with lib dems names on it....Dems talk the talk....Republicans DO IT!!!!

  2. see, he is being a maverick with respect to the old mccain, in other words - he is a flip-flopper

  3. McCain isn't a maverick, he is a side kick.  Bush's side kick.  Just because the right winged media calls him a side kick, that doesn't make him one.

  4. I think it totally rocks

  5. Your observation sure puts this whole election process in a serious quandary.

    In response, I could ask how picking a 30 plus year Washington insider is consistent with a platform of "Change."

    There certainly seems to be enough inconsistencies on both sides of the political spectrum presently to make ones head spin.

  6. VP maverick, she's fresh out of her village, she doesn't even know her ABC's yet! Already she is being investigated, muddled with corporate giants (particularly OIL).

    . . . and wasn't McCain one of the Keaton's five. Maverick my a$$$.

  7. All it is is desperation on the part of the GOP.  

  8. “The insinuation from the Obama campaign that John McCain, a former prisoner of war, {is a maverick} is outrageous,” Ms. Wallace said.

  9. He's got a MILF for a VEEP dog!

  10. She's taken on corruption in Alaska and that is something.  I think Palin has some integrity, but just not nearly enough experience to take over for the old man if he croaks.  

    He's aimed so low he's shot off his own foot and deprived himself of the one thing he had to attack Obama.

  11. This was an absolute act of brilliance!  I am beyond delighted!

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