
What about Middle Names?

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I want to name the baby Dylan Anthony and my b/f want Danger t be the middle name. What do you think about both? Dyln Anthony Danger.....




  1. That's retarted!

  2. Stick with

    Dylan Anthony


  3. i love it all 3 names

  4. Uh, pretty but save it for your characters.

  5. Come on, what about the poor kid? Please think of him in this name.

    Anthony Dylan....

  6. if you want your kid to be called DAD his whole life... i can only imagine what the last initial is... DAD...S? that would explain why hes so pertinent.

  7. He seriously wants it to be Danger? I think that's a name that every couple jokes about having as their baby's name. I don't think I would ever actually name my child that though...people will just laugh or look at you funny. I would just go with Dylan Anthony. You don't want to go crazy with too many names b/c you couldn't pick just one. good luck!

  8. I think that you middle name is better .. Danger is odd and two is a little much

  9. I don't like it wtf...danger?

  10. Just go with Dylan Anthony, if he had Danger in his name growing up he would get made fun of.

  11. I like it sometimes having two middle names allows the parents to add names of from both sides

  12. I don't like Danger as a first name or middle name it sounds stupid.

  13. danger is like the warning SKULL :p....!

  14. I think two middle names is dumb myself, and I really think Danger is a stupid name...for the sake of your child veto it!

    I can forgive two names if you are honoring two grandparents or something...though it is still dumb...unless you're in a country that does that!

  15. Oh yeah GOO for it definetly, you know what, name him just flat out DANGER!! you should really do that, if you do that kid will be the most popular kid in school, and he will definetly be the president one day, and think of all the cool nick names he could have, such as anger, Grrr, Danger ranger,D-ger, and if you do name him anthony dylan danger, then we could just call him ADD for short . I already want to be this kids friend!

  16. Dylan Andrew Danger is better.

    I like it alot.

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