
What about Ron Paul?

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Why doesn't Ron Paul get more coverage in the news? Obama, Clinton, and McCain get all the coverage, but why isn't Ron Paul included? Personally, I don't think it's fair since he's still in the race and I think he's the best candidate.




  1. Ron Paul has suspended his campaign to focus on keeping his congressional seat. He is also using the campaign funds raised for his presidential campaign to fund is congressional campaign. If you ask me, Ron Paul was a scam artist.

  2. WHO????

    What does he want?  What can he do for me?

  3. I'm glad you asked this question.  Ron Paul is wonderful but the problem is he is against the people who are in control of the U.S policies namely the Jewish lobby. He believes that the Jewish Lobby primarily interest is Israel then the U.S

  4. if you know nobody will support a guy why waste coverage on him that is the way we run things here
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