
What about South Africa and Argentina?

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all ive been seeing here is england and france!!!!!!! all the way!!

england and france have both already been beaten by the two teams waiting in the other semi. SA humiliated england and argentina did jus the same two france on their opening at home!! arent the english and french fans getting over confident jus like australia and new zealand were. there are still two teams you know and two great teams. are you counting them out already dont you think a south africa or an argentina would be a bigger threat than england or france.




  1. Since the All Blacks are out, my support will go to the Springboks to win it all =)  No disrespect to the Pumas I think they have shown a lot of passion and have been very impressive..but I just think the Boks have the edge over them to win it.

  2. After their abysmal start to the tournament, both England and France are well pleased to be in the semi finals. I'm just looking forward to two Classic games. It will be the bludgeon of England and Argentina against the rapier of France and the Boks. If the weather is poor England will probably go through.  If Argentina can deny SA ball they have a good chance. I still expect a France v SA final but I think the fact that England and France both put the Arrogant Antipodeans out has made it the main topic of conversation. No disrespect to Fiji or Scotland, but they're hardly Australia or NZ, are they?

  3. well, yes but boks vs pumas doesn't have the sharp must-beat-them-or-bust of the England-France game

  4. what about it? it is just another routine game for SA. Argentina will not win, yes they will put up a huge fight but so what? they are not good enough to win yet?

  5. Who ever plays the Boks or Pumas must just 4get about the cup coz its going in the southern hemisphere with the boks and the rest of the north must just 4get about da cup coz they will b playing runners up which is a consoladation price 4 them coz their final is now against eachother.

  6. I can't really see South Africa matching the strengh of the Pumas.

    They will meet France in the final.

  7. England are going to get hammered. Simple as.

    I think Argentina are goin to win overall.

  8. The postings on here about the RWC are asked mainly by the French and English, so it obvious they are going to talk about their team!

    If there are questions asked about the other game, I am sure they, too, will be answered!

    On previous posts a couple of weeks ago, I stated that I wished to see France or Argentina, if not both in the final!

    I like watching the pumas and think the boks will have tough game on Sunday and I for one am looking forward to it!

    With all the upsets that have occurred so is hard to say who will be in the final, but I reckon the winners on Sunday will be the RWC winners!

  9. You are absolutely right.  The Springboks are the strongest team in the semis and it is foolish to forget about them.  I believe that France is a close second, with Argentina and England next.  That is the exact order of the results of the top four in this World Cup.

    EDIT:  Hey guys, I just found out where the Pumas got their name!  It was during a game the Pumas Junior side played against South Africa in 1965....the South African press dubbed them The Pumas and it stuck to this day.

  10. I say The South African boks will beat Argentina.

  11. It has been a tournament where the underdogs have done well. Argentina have been a very impressive side with a fantastic defense and a lot of raw talent. The other three teams have someting to lose - Argentina doesn't and I think that will be to their benefit.

    I would love to see them win and give the 'expert speculators' something to think about.

  12. i say the springboks will win

  13. I aint saying this just cause im south african, But the pumas have already booked there tickets home!!!  With New Zealand and Australia kicked out, It will make it a bit easier to win this time round, France have the advantage of been home, But nobody is as rough and tough us us jungle bunnies, (except the kiwis) England was the first team from the nothern hemisphere to win the world cup and will be the last

  14. Ha ha, you are joking, admittedly England did not play against South Africa but they have somehow got their guts back, as for France the only way that try was legal was in American football or rugby league.

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