
What about his poem? Do you like it?

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As the worm turns,

Bluegill, Sun Perch and

Striped Bass discuss

the possibilities,

‘Pond or Pan’ is beyond the

scope of the conversation,

As the worm turns,

Turtle and Mallard

swim by debating the bait,

They have seen this all

too many times before,

As the worm turns,

Man and boy silently

Fish the fish,





  1. a very gentle piscean tale

  2. "Hi!"

    Great little poem. quite funny indeed and again very creative, very unique.

    Well Done!  : )

  3. ha thats really great....nice humoris tone to it.

    well done :)

  4. I love it soo much, it's got great humour and texture to it, the language really works and it all seems to mesh together so well, you have great potential, was this some kind of assigment or is it just a hobbie?! It's great!





    Err...What are you on about!?

  5. What's this I see?  Old Mr. Crawdad is pinching bits of worm off the hook and now it's just metal gleaming in the water.

  6. Did you used to ditch school, and hang out at the swimming hole........that's what this reminds me of..........I'm thinking Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry it lots!!!

  7. Hook-Set-Catch

    With baited breath we sit.

  8. STOP! "As the worm turns!! Honestly, the stuff you come up with!

  9. "The smallest worm will turn, being trodden on / And doves will peck in safeguard of their brood." - Shakespeare in Henry VI

    Beware - the most defenseless creature will - when sufficiently provoked - attempt to defend itself. These creatures may rebel and pull your line under and wrap it around a snag - hee-hee ♥

  10. So you disagree with your editors.  This one brings the reader up to poetry.  You need to address the middle-aged reader as well as the children and the elderly.  This one does it.

  11. it is great.

  12. ,Yes I sure do like it and wish I was fishing right now, but know if I was this poem would my mind!  come to mind! Nicely put!  Thanks for the good morning smile!!

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