
What about india and china as economic superpower by 2050?will they both overtake usa?

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i am INDIAN. Everything in iNDIA is suddenly looking up . Our massive middle class has suddenly become the biggest consumers in the world next to china.

INDIA and CHINA are the only country in the world which are very little effected by slowdown in USA.




  1. They are undoubtedly emerging economies, and as for China, they are predicting that China's GDP will overtake that of the US by 2020.

    As for India, it's English speaking workforce and technological advancements will mean its economy will boom in the future.

  2. No, they won't overtake us.  The reason is simple: they're growing too fast.  The amount of labor is skyrocketing while the amount of capital is growing at an average rate.  They will, in the next 20 or so years, hit a saturation point at which overall growth will slow to the rate of other world powers.  It's like their industrial revolution.

    Remember America during its industrial revolution?  If we were STILL growing at that rate, we would have colonized Alpha Centauri by now.

  3. India and China will undoubedtly become more powerful on the world stage. But to overtake the US seems unlikely anytime soon.

    The US spends more on the military than the rest of the world combined. More than 10 times more than number two, China.

    The US GDP per capita is over 45,000 while China is at about 5,300 and India about 2,700. It will be a long, long time before they catch up.

    In national totals, India and China look a little closer. US at 14 trillion, China at 7 and India at 3. China could catch total national output lead by 2020, India could supass the US by 2030, maybe. Total national output seems less significant of a measure that per capita, however.

    But China and India both have less stable political environments. And thier growth rates will be hindered by that fact.

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