
What about inter-species marriage?

by  |  earlier

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If g*y partnerships can be called "marriage", why not inter-species marriage? ("I want to marry my horse").

What about inter-marriage with aliens when they make themselves known?

I know some rev-heads who would marry their car if it were allowed.




  1. because that's how aids started.

  2. Discuss this with your fiancee as soon as possible.  Marriage is a social term, not biological.

  3. Well, whatever floats your boat.

    I heard of a guy that ended up dieing while f*cking a horse, though.

    So I wouldn't suggest that.

  4. you would only get a mule, Think about it!

  5. A woman married a dolphin.,7340,...

    Human-animal marriage

  6. wow man good luck with that hope it works out for ya

  7. You want to marry your horse?? Hmmm interesting.....

  8. g*y Partnerships are not "marriages", they are Civil Partnerships.

    Horses cannot give consent, therefore cannot enter willingly into marriage.

    If you can meet, get to know, propose and be accepted by an alien, I wish you all the happiness in the Universe.

    You're just getting a bit silly about marrying your car, as they are pieces of machinery, not a species.

  9. If the horse or the car can say "I do" and sign all the paperwork pertaining to a marriage (or at least give some sign or consent since marriage is not a one party ting), like the two parties in a g*y relationship, then I don't see a problem with it.  As to Aliens, have you watched any Star Trek lately?  Lots of inter-species romance there.  Marriage is simply a ritual that had been made important by culture.  Homosexuals want it simply because heterosexual make such a big deal about it.

  10. You can get married to anything you want.  However, it wont be legally binding and of course you wont have any offspring.

  11. you wanna marry your HORSE??? shocking also seems interesting

  12. Why not? If people want to marry horses, cars, potatoes or anything else, I say let them. They're not hurting anybody. Live and let live.

  13. inter-    marriage can occure b/w two person in all respects wheather it is religion or something else.

  14. :)))))))))))))))))))))))

    I never been invited to such weddings..yet.

  15. Well I hope you are not implying anything negative about g*y marriages..

    but if inter species marriage were allowed, I wouldn't care. It's not any of my business.

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