
What about large sized people who sit on planes next to you?

by Guest33881  |  earlier

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This has happened to my twice now, I have been traveling by plane and large people have sat next to me. I have no issues with large people, however, in both cases, I feel like I was the one being discriminated against for being regular size. The first man was at least 6'5 and he had to sit with his legs in my foot area so I had to crunch against the wall. I had to get up to use the restroom and he was asleep, and he called me a ***** for asking him to please move. When I got back, he was asleep again with his legs in my seat! I had to ask him to move and he yelled profanities at me and the flight person. Second time, the lady was short, but she was at least 450. I couldnt move because she had to pour into my seat. I wasnt able to get up without someone helping her get up. She was so forced into the seat, it took two people to pull her out. She was very annoyed that I asked her to move to use the bathroom, but geez, the flight was 5 hours! Oddly enough, she went on this rampage with the flight staff that she had to "use the can" and she couldnt fit in the small bathroom. She called them "skinny b*****s." They tried to help her, but couldnt. I told her when she got back,that she needed to get two seats next time, and she actually threatened to slap me! Please tell me, what gives with this world?




  1. Solution..... do as I did. took pilot training, obtained my pilots certificate, bought my own airplane (with a partner).  Otherwise, find an alternate means of travel if you find your experience unbearable.

  2. Sorry about your experience. I was flying from Memphis to B'more on one of those CRJ100s. I was in the last window seat when one larger guy came to sit beside me in the isle seat. Excuse me to say but he didn't smell "appropriate" and I had little room around me. I could not ask for a different seat because the plane was overbooked. I forced myself to sleep in order to escape the hour and a half of torture. And you guessed it, I was the last to leave the plane when we landed.

  3. What a nightmare. Huge fatties should have to buy two seats. But then again I'm 6'2" and can't fit my legs into the knee space in economy.The airlines are responsible for all this discomfort by ramming all the seats too close together.

  4. You counter-dict yourself by saying you have no problem with "large people" and then whine about how you feel. There is no question here, just a complaint. Take it up with the airline.  

  5. I always make it a habit of putting down the armrests on the seats as soon as I get on a plane.  That way if a fat person sits next to me the arm rest holds them in their seats.  

    I also put my seat back ASAP after we take off.   There are some people who sit on a plane who think it is OK for them to put their seat back so they got more room but it is NOT OK for the person in front of them to do the same.   By putting the seat back ASAP,  I claim my right to recline my seat.   If the person behind me objects because it pushes into their knees I suggest that next time if the regular seats do not give them enough room,  they fly first class.  

  6. The same thing ALWAYS happens to me. In a airplane, there is barely enough room with the seats so crowded together, much less with someone taking up my seat and the seat next to mine. If this happens to you again, kindly ask the person to swithc seats with you so that you can have the isle seat. Tell them that you have a bladder condition and have too pee alot, and make sure to tell them that you are happy to move if they  need to get up. Sitting in the isle seat will give you move room and easier access to the bathroom, and it will help you to avoid confrontations with rude passengers.

  7. Oh god, this happened to me too! What a freakin' nightmare! I got a window seat on a flight from Newark, NJ to Orlando, Fla. They sat a woman next to me who was so fat she needed two seats. They had to use two seat belt extensions to get her buckled up. Even though she had two seats, I was still squashed against the wall. I wanted to move, but there were no available seats left. And to make matters worse, she had with her the biggest coffee mug I have ever seen. It had to hold a gallon of coffee, no joke. The whole flight I was pinned to the wall and forced to smell this disgusting coffee this cow was sipping . I couldn't get off the plane after we landed because they let everyone else deplane so they could escort this lady off by herself.. My worst nightmare by a mile !!

  8. lolo0lolol o cobra lover you are the best

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