
What about love and heartbreak made you bitter?

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What happened personally that made you bitter?




  1. I am an only child and I lost my mother when I was 10 years old. Then my father tore up his parent card at the funeral (he became abusive). I wanted a family and a mother something awful growing up. So, when I married my husband, I clung to my mother-in-law and she pretended to love me like a daughter. She even had me call her "Mom" (which I did). I bought her gifts, corresponded faithfully (she lived a State away), sent her money, prayed for her, found a good paying job for her, etc. I tried to be everything a DIL should be. On November 22nd, 1998, she dumped me as a daughter-in-law, right there at Thanksgiving Day, in front of God and everybody. Yep, she sh*t all over me in a big public way. This really hurt my husband too, poor guy. I am still bitter and hurt and have sworn I will NEVER trust anyone like that again.

    Love is love no matter who's involved. That's my heartbreak. ♥ ∞

  2. I used to be very bitter. For many years.

    Now, I just dont give a hoot.

    But the reason I was bitter was because.....I felt like my first girlfriend was supposed to marry me. and not go off to college and marry some other dude. that was my girl and she had no right to leave me. well, thats how i felt for a while anyways.

    And then, I was angry at all women for not sleeping with me when i was a handsome young stud.

    now, i dont even care. its old news to me.

  3. I couldn't justify the heartbreak. No closure.

  4. I was told it takes 2 to tango, and he didn't want to tango anymore. Not having any kind of say made me bitter. I made sure that never happened again.

  5. No closure, like Grimace said.

  6. Nothin! I can not control anyone but myself.

  7. When I was 6 this boy sang the song Kokomo by The Beach Boys to me while playing in the sand box underneath the slide. We decided to get married after that.  I had to leave him and I have never been the same since.

    My evil parents made me move to Florida with them. So F*cking bitter!

  8. It was the day i died inside.

    We got married, had a son and one morning she told me she wanted me to move out and that she did not love me any more. There really is no way to explain it, but she is happy and my son has a good life so that is all that maters. I have try ed to move on and for the most part i have in that i no longer am in such a state of depression over my x-wife but that took me over 5 years to get to.I have tried with others but they all failed well the whole 3 of them lol. it has been over 12 years now and in all this one thing does stick with me and that is a crush i have had on a women i used to work with and have spent some time with during these events. she does not want any thing to do with me and told me we could not be friends any more and i can not see her because i like her more then she wants and i don't blame her at all **** id not want me ether. i have a poem for all this ill find it if i can and edit it in.

    ok found it , it i call Faded

    Have you ever found your self torn between a dream and reality

    The things that you wish

    The things that you see

    The things that you want and the way you wish it could be.

    The way it truely is

    The way in which it's percieved

    All that you get and the could harsh touch of reality.

    Have you ever looked deep inside

    Have you ever just tried to hide

    Have you ever watched as your dream starts to die and reality becomes so blind because the dream you can no longer find as it fades from your mind leaving you with the could harsh touch of reality for this is whats mine.

    For me love no longer exsist and i see no point in trying any more or even looking for that some one we all wish to find.I found her and she has forsaken me so to then has love. it is not her fault or mine she can not help any more than i can that i am this thing that i am. i got to say though i do have good taste lol my x-wife and girl friends i have also had in the past all beutiful and this crush of mine omg she is the most beutiful of all, to me any ways. but what they seen in my ugly asss is beyond me.

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