
What about my wife's kevlar pajamas..... ?

by  |  earlier

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Well I sleep naked. Always have, always will. Every year my mother in law buys me some new flanalette pajams for Christmas. You know.. the sort with the drawstring and a flie for the guy.... so my wonderful bride, every year stitches up the flie and wears them to bed.

I dont like flanalette cause its kind of itchy... give me some satin or silk or ... I mean even velco would be better to snuggle up to... and she sets the drawstring tight around her waist.. I mean with elastic at least there's half a chance of getting one hand down there... lol.. but not with a drawstring. Nope. These pajams are manproof!

Anyway.. one day I cut tittie holes in them and a snapper slot. Man was I in trouble for months over that one.

So tell me... does your wife wear kevlar and how do you react to it?

All suggestions wecome of course.




  1. Sounds like your marriage has many issues.  Seek professional counseling.

    You don't seem to have good communication, since it seems you can't discuss this with her.

  2. I think you should get a really ridiculously s**y and sleazy lacy Teddy and wear it to bed with some fluffy feathery knock me down and f'k me slippers.  Probably she'll get the point. It's worth a try.

  3. lol.  That's all I've got to say.  Just lol.

    Oh wait.  I've got one more.  I have no idea what kevlar is which means I don't wear it.

    Ooh.  I thought of a third comment.  No wonder you stay in trouble.  lololol.


  4. bare hugs on the nude prof. lol. I do that to my husband sometimes darling after three straight nights of wrecking ball activity in the building. On the fourth day, shut it down. I wear kevlar a chastity belt and have a stick nearby in case of emergency. Horny goats the lot of you. And coming from me that is saying

    Bare hugs and have a great night

    wooo hoooooo.

  5. reactions are only reactions, useless

  6. LOL If my dearly departed husband was still alive, he would pay big bucks for those 'customized kevlar pjs." That man loved a challenge, and could always rise to the occasion, bless his heart!

    Sna??er slot? LOL

    Addition: Someone just told me what a sna??er is, so I had to edit. *blush*

  7. Take her shopping and sit patiently while she tries on some stuff.

    Flannel makes very good polishing clothes.

  8. My first wife did that...needless to second does not...she's available 24/ your friends this in front of your wife (i assume she is your first)...Guys my first wife was like that...only guy pjs...

    PS...first wife got all kinds of teddys for bridal shower and never put them on...Life is too short need to shock that women of yours...

  9. You are funny..I laughed and so did the her silk pajamas and hoe that she wears them. Next time you are around the MIL...make a few hints and hope she gets them or tell wifey to easily let MIL know of your interest in something else. Good luck.

  10. Did you ever TALK about that? It sounds like you didn't???

    I just had to laugh where you wrote you cut holes...I would have laughed and got the hint if my husband did that....and we both have 'accessable' PJ's...

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