
What about palm oil at 60$/barrel?

by Guest59273  |  earlier

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What about palm oil at 60$/barrel?




  1. It's viable...

    Indonesia and Malaysia have produced about 35 million tonnes of palm oil this year.

    Indonesia in particular is planting millions of hectares of oil palm(in place of rice...) in New Guinea and Borneo.

    Also Brazil and Zaire have great possibilities.

    The same France would can produce millions of tonnes of palm oil in French Guiana(it would be completely oil independent).

  2. Not all fuels are from Corn AND Palm..........

    Take a Look at Algae Fuel...Made from Pond Scum !

    It's the Future !

  3. Where can I find a palm oil engine?...

  4. <<Indonesia and Malaysia have produced about 35 million tonnes of palm oil this year.  Indonesia in particular is planting millions of hectares of oil palm(in place of rice...) in New Guinea and Borneo.>>

    what's going to happen to the people that would otherwise have eaten the rice?

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