
What about real ghosts?

by  |  earlier

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Has anyone ever seen a real ghost, maybe of a family member that has passed, or someone else you do not know

What about sounds and moving stuff?


no seriously




  1. I have a picture of one over an old battlefield, it was on a digital camera so it had nothing to do with the film, and there was no glass or even a flash to reflect off of. As for seeing one in person, yes, once when I was a kid, but I hardly remember it now (was near the woods at camp). Although I suppose these are very cliche' locations.

  2. yes. i didnt believe in god and asked for a sign of life "inbetween worlds"  after my dad died and stayed with friends who claimed there house was haunted and i saw a little girl tug at the mom of the kids i was staying with and as the lil girl (u could see her but thru her) tugged on her shirt she said mama outload .....i bout pissed myself i do now believe in god and the spiritual world and have not one doubt in my mind

  3. no

  4. Well, I believe I saw my deceased uncle walk across my kitchen. When you "see" a ghost, they can appear in many forms. Sometimes they are balls of light, other times see-through almost mist-like figures, and in my case seem like a real thing. Ghosts are known to sometimes communicate, as in speak to the living, throw objects across the room, make loud footsteps, or touch someone.  It's also known they strange smells that aren't coming from anything suddenly are smelled in rooms. Still, there is no proof that ghosts are even real. They can simply be high magnitudes of an electric field, that might be caused by living near power lines and other things.

  5. yes, you would saw it! unless you are believe that there are a ghost within with you!!

    there are no such family members want to scared you unless there something they want to tell you!!

  6. the world have no ghosts...

  7. no, but i would love to go ghost hunting

  8. I regularly hear my grandfather, and he plays pranks on me (he died befor I was born).  

    I also hear my grandmother (also died before I was born) playing the piano in the music room of the family home.

    I have seen and heard ghosts in may different locations.

  9. I'm not sure. You see my grandpa died about a day or two after he left our house (He was visiting). I'm not sure but my mom says that a ghost usually stays where it was last happiest and that's my house so I'm not sure. Yeah...that was pretty much a useless answer wasn't it? *Really awkward silence*

  10. ohhhh yeah

    my grandpa

    i live in a very old town, Truckee... known for the Donner Party

    anyway, i was walking into one of the very old buildings that used to be a house, but is now a business and it has a covered patio with glass around it, and there was a really old man dressed in very old fashioned clothes sitting in a rocking chair, i was in the store for no more than 45 seconds to drop off a few cards and when i walked back he was gone, and so was the chair

    then me and my friend were up in a room above her garage playing air hockey after wathing TV, we put the remote controll on top of the TV, in the center so it wouldnt fall off and turned on music.... a few minutes later we heard something fall and walked to the TV room, the the remote was across the room, and then the music started skipping, like up 4 songs, back 2, forward 7, back 3, very sparratic. then a door(wasnt the wind, there were no windows open) slammed shut, so we booked it out of there.

  11. Yes, I've seen heaps actually, seriously even if you don't buy it, I know the truth myself anyways... one night when I was about to close my eyes and sleep, I felt someone grab my leg, so I looked at my leg and no one was there which feaked me out so I screamed and my parents rushed in and grabbed their camera and looked through it (the hole) saw an little young girl that was sitting my legs.

    One of my friend's dad is an person that gets rid of ghosts told me to put an windchime on my door and if it rings it means an ghost walked past and walked into the room and if I do hear it, I should tun on the light of my lamp and the ghost should go away.

    That night, the windchime rung than I quickly tunred on my lamp and I actually saw the ghost! than I hidden myself under the blanket! lol!

    Than many more things!but I reckon this is the most scary one! but one thing also, if you saw an ghost don't feak out, because ghostsare scared of humans more than humans are scared of them! just tell them to go away unless they need your help on something.

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