
What about russian citizens in the west.?

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with the situation between russia and the west escalating, is it time to ask their citizens to leave the west. what would we do with them if military action started.




  1. That is a very good point,Its actually frightening. I presume with the current state of mind in America,Internment camps would probably be the 'solution'

  2. The pretty ones can stay and those that look like Tractor Mechanics (both sexes) should return to the Motherland.

  3. Calm down, the rhetoric on this is getting way out of hand. Imagine if Russia placed anti missile missiles in Mexico. What would USA say ? Stop pushing the Russians. Leave a buffer zone between them and us. When did YOU really care about Georgia and Ukraine anyway ?

  4. The next major flash point could be the Ukraine. The sooner it and Georgia is brought into Nato, the better.

  5. Russia is a democracy and much as we may dislike their foreign policies, they are made by their Duma or Parliament. We have to respect their decision to recognise the 2 regions as independent, just as we expect them to respect our Parliament's decision to go to war with Iraq, or stop the corruption inquiry into arms sales to the Saudis. We may disagree with the Russian govt, but their citizens have every right to travel freely and be domiciled in other European countries as long as they are legally here.

  6. We did not have camps for the arabs after 9/11 even though many wanted them. Russians are watched closely anyway as most do not trust them. There won't be any difference in now and at that time.

  7. Yeah, let's kick 'em the h**l outta here. Why stop at the Russkies? Let's kick everyone out!

  8. Uncle Sam even can not handle North Korea's nuclear weapon issue, how can he handle Russia?

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