
What about service dogs?

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Are service dogs ethical? I am trying to make sense of it.




  1. Working dogs are usually more content than couch potato dogs.  It's part of the pack mentality.

  2. I don't personally have an issue with service dogs.  I feel like they are basically companion animals that happen to have extra training.  Humans and dogs have been living together in mutually satisfactory relationships for millenia and I think the bond there is very real.  Dogs give every appearance of enjoying pleasing their people.  Provided that the service dog is treated humanely, I don't view the relationship as exploitative.

  3. Service dogs love their jobs and they become very close with their owners as well.

  4. I think dogs are loving and compassionate and definetly would say that service dogs are ethical. They are not hurt or beaten.

  5. Dogs, all dogs have pack instincts, some breeds more than others. It would be natural for even an untrained dog to be of "service" or to be protective of his human pack mates. Is that exploitative? I don't think so. As you can see from my picture, it's obvious that I don't have any ethical issues about pet ownership either. My dogs get free room and board, lots of exercise, free medical/dental and other health benefits ( with regular physical exams), excellent food complete with vitamin supplements if necessary, even grooming services like haircuts and manicure/pedicure. . I think, that if they can understand human language, they would attack any human who will even dare to suggest they be freed into the wild because they are "exploited" in my home.

  6. yes because dogs re best friend of man

  7. Dogs evolved to assist Man. By becoming a service dog, they are following their natural instincts.

    Ethically, yes...they are doing exactly what they want...even after a servicedog retires and is found a forever home, they still serve their families.....

  8. It is in a dog's nature to want to be helpful to people.  Yes, it is ethical to have dogs do this.

  9. Service Dogs are definetly ethical since they are cared for, loved and greatly respected. You will also find that most of the dogs LOVE their job and pleasing their owners.

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