
What about starting a new group somewhere else and trying to stealing your Yahoo Group members?

by  |  earlier

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Is there some sort of written set of rules about this sort of thing?




  1. I understand how you feel, but members are members of lots of groups.  Just because they decide to join another group, doesn't mean they will leave the ones they are already in.  You will still have them as members.  But, once you have the members, though, you need to make it interesting and active so they will not leave and just join the new group instead.

  2. happens all the time- only violations is how they 'steal' those members. it's not against TOS to invite people- people will join if they want and they can if they want, some belong to multiple groups it is against TOS to add them w/o permission but it has nothing to do with your group, the person would have to report it not you.

  3. I don't know if there is something written about this, but it is not ethical I think. At least first advertise and invite them to your new group.

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