
What about that Tanzanian embassy blast?

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Not only was an employee the Tanzanian citizens objected to sitting at her desk in the U. S. Embassy eating "snacks" out of a sack of seeds that was delivered periodically from Chernobyl, but she had chemicals marked "for nose alteration" in Akkadian and would go out and put chemicals on the noses of the Tanzanian children in a berserk campaign of genetic engineering the Ukraine conducted a few years back to "wipe a certain kind of nose off the earth".

So they blew up the entire embassy where the fat lady they didn't like got a job.

Uh, how about Americans for the American embassy? Might be a good idea. (Just a helpful suggestion)




  1. That blast is ancient history.

    And it's impossible to figure out what you want to know.

  2. WHAT are you talking about?

    Al-Qaeda blew up our Embassy because of a specific woman they didn't like?

    And if you're talking about employing ONLY Americans in American embassies abroad, just be prepared to increase 10-fold (or 20- or 30-fold) the State Department's budget, and see a decrease in effectiveness due to a sudden disappearance of local expertise/contacts/language skills.

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