
What about the Internet Jobs? How much is it true? Shall i join it confidently? Give the Risks in it.?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Real jobs don't require you pay anything to find them, and definitely don't require you join to have them.  I have read on different sites that the reading email thing IS a scam.

    Internet jobs exist.  I've worked at several for the past 5 years.  They can be a challenge to find, but they are out there and the regular job listings will have them.  Plus you can search companies that use a lot of remote help.  Most have a careers page.

    As to Internet businesses, yes, they exist too and a business does require a set up expense of some sort, but most on the Internet are scams where the only ones making money are the people selling you the kits to get them going.

    The hardest part to an internet business is getting it known that you are out there.  Search engine placement has become a real and everchanging science that takes signifianct know how or..the money to pay someone that knows how.   Very few to none of the Internet businesses for sale help you with that part.

    So you end up with a website selling someone's products but you have to find your own way of getting people there.

    Good luck.

  2. There are genuine ones too.Try in search engines.  Best of luck.

  3. Please have a thorough look at postings on the similar subject for the past 7-10 days under this very section of Y! A.  Valuable suggestions have been given by various participants. Weigh all pros and cons and proceed accordingly to serve your interests best.

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