
What about the air car from MDI of India? Have they solved the icing problem?

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What about the air car from MDI of India? Have they solved the icing problem?




  1. It not an icing problem. That is mere engineering. The thing is that the concept looks like perpetual motion which is impossible.Yes, compressed air can run a car. We have known how for a very long time. The problem is that a compressed air car does not have a lot of range and the energy needed to compress more air, that is, to recharge the storage cylinders, i just as much as the energy needed to run a car on gasoline or the like, except the recharge time is closer to that of a natural gas fueled vehicle.

    Those who claim that the motion of the car car recharge the air cylinders have no knowledge of Newton's laws. And in the macro world we live in, no one has disproved them yet.

    I would be happy to see an air car that went more than 20-30 miles. And indeed, in 20 years when there are several viable alternative technologies for vehicle power instead of just one like now, the air car may be one for short run commuters.

  2. The air car is a scam. You cannot store enough energy in compressed air to power a car more than a few miles, even if you could get enough heat from the surroundings to prevent icing.

    It's just basic physics that cannot be overcome. Read the last thread carefully. The car has about enough air to run for 15 minutes (320 liters at 4000 psi).

    The only real public test of an air car was in Paris and it went about 4 miles.

    There are compressed air mopeds and they have a similar range.

    It's sad that people don't get enough basic science in primary school to see passed frauds like this.

    We don't have affordable electric cars, either, because the energy density of lead acid batteries is also low. The Tesla roadster works (at $100,000 US) because of some very expensive NiMH batteries.

  3. I don't know what those guys above me are talking about but Popular mechanics anticipates it will be here in USA 2010 or sooner.

    see link

  4. When contacted, Tata Motors’ Debasis Ray, who heads the company’s corporate communications, said: “The Air Car still requires nearly two years of work, to refine its technology.” He added that the company would only discuss the price point for the vehicle and its launch date after Tata Motors is ready to launch the car into the market.

    A bit disheartening, but keep in mind this quote is in context of the Indian market only. And considering that MDI already has 50 factories across Europe waiting to go, I have a sneaking suspicion those two years will be spent working out minor kinks and tailoring the car to Indian market tastes.

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