
What about the lockers?[[first day of high school]]?

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in high school....

when do you put your text book in your locker?

during passing?

when you get your books?

other things in locker:

whould you do that before school starts...

i no my quesionas are confusing it cuz im nervous bout it and im confused bout...

sorry for the confusion..

but plz help!

can you guys plz tell me how did you do with your lockers?

if you did ok on ur first day....or anything

thank you!




  1. You put your textbooks in your locker whenever you need to do it.  I usually get my textbook before class and drop it off in my locker whenever I pass by it, or when i'm close to it. Don't get all your books before school starts because you'll have too many to handle. As for "if you did ok on your first day", you don't really have to use the lockers on the first day.  Textbooks are usually given during the end of the first week or the begining of the second.  Your first day in high school should be a day when you can get accustomed to everything, including your locker.

  2. Since it's your first week of school, you should probably take the time to get used to how things work - meaning whether you are issued a textbook to take home and the school has class sets that you can use). In that case, which is usually how it works at my school, you won't have much use for a locker (unless you wear a heavy coat that you don't want to haul around all day). Also, at my school we have a thing called block scheduling (it's pretty common, so this might apply to you too), so we only have 4 classes a day, which means less books to carry. This year I'll be senior, and I haven't had a locker at all. Also consider the fact that there will be hundreds of other people walking down the hallway socializing and trying to get to class; it can be a hassle if you have people hanging around your locker and are too nervous to ask them to move out of the way so you can get to your stuff.

    If you do end up getting a locker, you should take into consideration how much time you have between classes; if you only have five minutes to go from the first floor to the fourth floor, but your locker's on the third floor, you probably won't make it. It's best to go to your locker when you pass it and not try to make special trips throughout the day. Stop by before you leave for home to make sure you have everything you need to do your homework, and try not to forget things in your locker because most teachers won't let you out of class to go get it.

    Since you're a freshman, don't expect to get too many books on your first day (if you want to be prepared bring a book bag anyway). Lockers aren't usually issued on the first day, so that shouldn't be a concern right now. My first day of high school was great besides that fact that I got lost (a pretty hard thing to do since my school is the shape of a square). I know high school can seem like a totally different world, but you'll adjust. Before you know it, you'll be graduating and off to the real world (that's something to be nervous about). Good luck.

  3. I always go to my locker before school, between two or three different classes, and after school.

    At my school, books are passed out during the first week.

    If you don't plan on spending much time in your locker, you don't really need anything for it. Otherwise, a mirror and a shelf might come in handy.

  4. god...another Jonas bros. lover >_>

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