
What about the new Obama/Biden ticket?

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Well, the AP and CNN have already confirmed that Senator Joe Biden, former Presidential Candidate for the Democratic ticket and long-time senator, is going to be Obama's VP Candidate for the election.

Now that we have a selection, what does everyone think of the Obama/Biden ticket? Does it improve or weaken Obama's Campaign for the presidency? How does the McCain campaign respond to the selection?

As always, Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, and Conservatives are welcome to answer.




  1. its over for McCain   he should just quit and save his wifes money

  2. As a Republican, I'm delighted.

    Biden's nomination is Obama's acknowledgment that he lacks the experience and knowledge of foreign and military affairs required to be president.

    He'll have to work from talking points provided by Biden who will no doubt plagiarize them from somebody else as he has a long history of doing.

    Unfortunately for Obama, Biden will always think that HE should be the one to occupy the Oval Office so he'll have no compunctions about publicly correcting any "minor" mistakes that Obama happens to make on the campaign trail so the media should have a wonderful time figuring out if Obama is running against Biden or McCain.

    Biden loves the sound of his own voice and never saw a microphone he didn't want to eat so the American public will quickly get tired of him going on and on and on and on and on.

    Biden invented Eyes-Glazing-Over.

    His advantage as an "attack dog" is only appreciated by the blood thirsty.  He's mean and nasty to those he sees as his "intellectual inferiors" which is just about everyone - including Barack Obama.

    He makes Darth Cheney look like a sweetheart.

    Biden hates being #2.  What were they thinking?

    This should be interesting.

  3. Outlook good

  4. With Hillary, Obama had a sure win. I don't think Obama has good judgement and this helps to proove it.

    Biden and Obama are in the pockets of labor leaders (unions) so welcome the illuminati to the White House, (talk about special interest lobbyists, the unions will own Washington.

  5. Feels like change and hope.  Oh wait a moment, no it doesn't.

    Biden has been around the block, he is very clever, and presents well.  He is the poster child for Knee Jerk.

    Thanks Obama, McCain appreciates you throwing the election.

  6. Brilliant!


    MCCain should just quit!

  7. Obama just blew his chance. WOO HOO!!!!

  8. Well, I guess Obama is poised to win the great state of Delaware. Tactically, it was a blunder. Georgia probably will not stay in the news very much longer. He should have picked a candidate that would help him in a battleground state. If he loses by a couple thousand votes in Virginia or Indiana, this choice will come back to haunt him.

  9. I heard it was Baye (spelling?) who I thought was a better pick.  Biden is a terrible pick.  I read the link and it seems to be genuine.  I hope you aren't just kidding because this is great.  This means that Obama picked the wrong man.  Biden called him the first clean and articulate black. Oh come on, you must be kidding.  Biden the plagiarizer.  This is too good to be true

  10. I think it's perfect. Biden brings in experience. I was kind of hoping for Clark, due to the military record, but Biden seems like a great pick.

  11. Obama flip-flops once again.  Pandering to the fundies.  I don't agree with his tax policies but i'm disappointed.

  12. Terrible I wished Obama should had picked Al Gore :(

  13. I think this strengthens Obama's ticket.  Biden is quite an American.  The both of them are!  An impressive team.  I'm pretty excited and looking forward to learning about and hearing from Biden.  I already read his "dirty laundry," not much there compared to the other 99 percent of his life.

  14. Biden -- 65. McCain -- 71

    I find it amazing that the Democrats are already praising what a fantastic 'unbeatable' ticket this is...   the same Democrats that have been papering the media with their favorite McCain jokes for months  because he's 'too old' for the job...

    Liberals.... Gotta love 'em.

    I've got an Obama/Biden sticker for you:

    Obama/Biden 08 >> Have you Hugged your Hypocrite today?

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