
What about the "B" word?

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We have come to a point in society where it is forbidden to say the "N" word. We don't even reference it by name. What about the word: "*****?" Both words are used for one purpose only, cruelty. They both target a specific group and are meant to hurt, to cause pain. But, in the case of the word *****, not only do we use it, we embrace it. It is used by men and women alike. So, why do we use it?




  1. I don't know what this has to do with conservation but using "the B word", in my opinion is not like using "the N word".  First because the word has a legitimate dictionary definition: a female dog. Secondly, because it is not always used to insult an individual... "Life's a Bit<h", "ain't that a Bit<h", and "I was feeling Bit<hy today."   It is used in many ways while "the N word" is a racist remark that is used only to offend.

  2. Black is beautiful and people who are of that colour should not be ashamed but proud of it. The fact that many under-privileged people and lots of anti-social characters appear to be of this colour is simply an accident of history. If they cast the inferiority complex aside and become more willing to be each other's keeper, the future is great for them.

  3. 1st ammendment end of story

  4. This is nothing to do with environmental conservation.

  5. I like both words.

    It's how you use them that counts.

  6. When you use the "N" word it definetly is targeted towards a specific color of race...but when you use the "B" word, well it can be used in more than just targeting a specific type of person, for example; refering to a situation, "ain't that a "B", or refering to an object, "now thats "B"en" try and find the comedy monologue by George Carlin, 'The Epilogy of Sh*t' and you'll understand the point I am trying to make...

  7. im not sure what word you mean-it is be-atch or b*st*rd...what?

    you could have put some letters in and starred some others!!!

    or is that the point-what does mind spring to first?

    i do know that it is amost forbidden by society to use the n word but every day on the streets i hear the words spastic mong flid r****d-even on here people use those words as an insult-they target one specific group in society, are meant to hurt and they are embraced by a few members of so called civilised society. why do we use those?

  8. We've become desensitized to the true meaning of the word. People will even using  it joking around with each other. It's been reduced , somehow, to signify someone who is demanding or arrogant. I've heard it used so brutally by an angry man, verbally attacking his wife, right in front of their children. He spat the word out like venom. A person with any judgment or character would not choose to use it in any situation. We can express ourselves without using cruel, derogatory words, even if they becoming commonplace in today's society.

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