
What about the stock market condition in india?

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What about the stock market condition in india?




  1. the stock market right now is in a strong position.

    it has jumped by 200 pints today.

  2. markets are booming. so are the real estate and the gold. that is a dangerous combination, all three should not move up. This means there is a likelihood of a collapse, the FM said last year that beyond 8000 levels of the Sensex (Bombay stock exchanges sensitive index) there is region of caution, and now markets are at 12000 levels. So you gotta be cautious. It is better to invest in Mutual funds like Fidelity and Franklin Temlpleton if you are inexperienced.

  3. The stock market condition in India is pretty good. However small investors must be careful not to invest in very high amounts.It is advisable that small investors invest only through mutual funds. Although the P/E multiple of the Indian Markets has improved, valuations seem to be a little stretched and one never knows when there may be a correction!

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