
What about this for a haul?

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china 45 golds

u.s 26 golds




  1. I am lead to believe that the minimum age to compete at the Olympics is 14 years of age - how can that be cheating?

  2. And your point is what exactly? Jamaica, a poor country in the Caribbean with a population of 2.8 million, still manages to pull 4 gold medals and 3 silvers. None of the 22 million in lottery funding of 'Team GB's cycling team. Throw money and facilities at a sport and hey presto, you may just pull off a medal. Where were America's medals in track this Olympics? Couldn't be because of the extra drug-testing could it?!

  3. The host country nearly always takes most medals because they do not have the expense of travel they enter every event , a case of winning by numbers they have twice as many entries as anybody else..

  4. Too bad they resorted to cheating to win.

    Several of their gymnasts were clearly below the age of 16 and those medals should be taken back.

  5. whats the question.2 of the largest countrys in the world with strong  economys and large populations should be taking the larger proportion of medals. we,the u.k are one of the smallest countrys with one of the smallest populations yet we have taken more gold,silver&bronze medals in these olympics than in the past 80 years.i am proud to have been born in G.B.and praise our olympians to the highest,sod the big guys, hurrah for the little guy.we are victorious.  

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