
What about your jobs excites you?

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What about your jobs excites you?




  1. I am a stay at home mom and it is my DREAM job.  I love my little boy and I love being with him all the time!!!  I like the fact that he doesn't have to be in day care with someone else raising him!!!  I love the fact I can breast feed on demand and can wean him when HE wants to be weaned.  I like that I can teach him my values and not have to worry about what some one else is teaching him!!!

  2. I like my job because I never have to leave my house. Therefore, I can do my house work, watch my kids, and not go crazy. I love my job because really all I do is check orders, do payroll, and sit back and get paid.

  3. A job that is challenging, informative, educational, and helpful to mankind.A job in which I could share and enhance my talent and ability, as well as to develop my personality.

  4. I'm a creative writer.  

    I love coming up with unique  stories and twists.

    I feel it's not worth writing if it's been basically done before.

    When I write poetry (which isn't often) I love coming up with unexpected statements that provoke thought, laughter or whatever yet do it in a rhyming fashion.

  5. nothing. haha.

  6. I get paid well and I like what I am doing.

  7. I live and work here and best of all I don't pay any rent or bills and I get pay good:D

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