
What about zebra danios?

by  |  earlier

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are zebra danios easy to care for/ breed, and do they eat they're babies if your not home?any info is greatly appreciated.




  1. Danios are extremely easy to breed, but they will eat the eggs.  Luckily, it is very easy to put some egg crate (for dispersing light) on the bottom of the tank and covering it with small mesh.  The eggs will fall through the mesh so the parents can't get to them, and then, you simply move the parents to a different tank, remove the egg crate and mesh, and allow the eggs to hatch there, free of the parents' hungry mouths.

    You may be able to keep a group (3+) of Cories with the parents, but it won't work very well in the breeding setup with mesh on the bottom, and they will likely eat any eggs or fry they can get to.

    EDIT: Danios do not get pregnant-- they lay eggs.  After about a week of high-protein food, they will be ready to spawn.  Also, the "inch of fish per gallon of water" "rule" is TOTAL c**p and should be entirely ignored-- with that "logic" (you can hardly call it logic), you could safely keep an adult Oscar (about 15") in a 20 gallon tank and still have room to spare, but 6 Danios would be overstocked!!! WRONG!

  2. Zebra danois aren't worth the time...

    Greedy eating waste producing machines....

    And there a spas fish so if you want a peaceful looking tank don't bother.

    They just jet around like idiots.

    Bit if you really like them what you said is alright.....Just no other fish.......than what u listed

    good luck!!!

  3. The danios are easy to care for. I had many for about 5 years before they started dying. They never bred, although I'm sure it is possible if the water conditions are just right.

  4. They will not fit in a 10 gallon. The rule is 1 inch of full grown fish  per gallon. Danios get about 2 inches long corys get 2-2.5 inches long so you would need a 20 gallon tank. They will eat the eggs so you need to put them in a different tank after they lay the eggs. They are good fish and are easy to care for.

  5. wow fish have crazy names

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