
What abt...!!!?

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What abt. Elfs or as we call them jinnies...?!?!What are them??Are they danger???Can they help us??Can you explain??




  1. For some reason, elves, faeries and leprechauns are often overlooked or simply dismissed by modern day ghost hunters, but they are just as real as ghosts. No, they are not dangerous although leprechauns are traditionally known to cause mischief. In my opinion, many poltergeist hauntings can be explained more readily as leprechaun manifestations.

  2. Ancient traditions had beliefs involving things like elves, leprechauns, fairies, gnomes, etc. Often these entities served a purpose, such as a protector of something or some natural function such as helping flowers grow. In general I would say these are the least of our human worries. I cannot vouch for their existence or non-existence, but I would not say they are any danger to you unless you attribute everything in your life to the act of some entity ("the leprechaun stole my car keys so I had to miss work" would not be a good thing to necessarily tell your boss).

  3. Whether or not they exist is irrelevant in this context.

    Assuming they exist, they pose no more danger to an individual human than any other person or animal. We're 6 billion strong and growing exponentially every year (when we're not leveling forests). Believe me, if any other sentient, living beings out there COULD do something to hurt us or slow us down...they would have by now.

  4. Honestly, I KNOW that Leprechauns and Elves do NOT exist. Honestly. I'm not trying to burst your bubble or be mean or anything. But how exactly could they exist anyways? Otherwise, I am a true paranormal believer.  So, "Jinnies" are NOT dangerous because they DON'T exist.

  5. Can you provide an example?  Any empirical data of their existence?  If not, then I can't really make any claims or recommendations on what to do with them or about them.  As far as I can tell they're just mythical creatures invented by fanciful people to explain something they didn't understand.

  6. I thought I wasn't a skeptic...but I really really don't understand where ya'll come up with your ideas about elves and fairies etc.
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