
What abuse a teacher can do if he will not allow the student to get quiz/test because of haircut policy?

by  |  earlier

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He is making his own policy regarding hair cut and imposed punishment like not allowing students to take the test




  1. If it's not a school-wide policy, he can't enforce it.  See the principal.

  2. He can't withold tests and quizzes for something like this.  If you were disruptive during the  test, cheating, openly insubordinate, he could send you to the dean of discipline, but he can't keep you from taking a quiz or test.  If you're referring to his RETURNING a test you've already taken, this would also hold true.  It's important for a student to see his test so he can learn from his mistakes.  If this teacher is making his own rules and enforcing them in such a way, see your guidance counselor immediately.  Make sure your parent or guardian is aware of the situation.

  3. Is the principal aware of the policy? If so and the principal has approved what he is doing, then cut your hair!

  4. ? they cant

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