
What acid reacts with brass, tin and copper but not gold?

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What acid reacts with brass, tin and copper but not gold?




  1. Nitric acid, hence the Acid Test.

  2. Nearly all acids react with all metals except gold, silver and platinum. Silver still reacts with a lot of metals but gold retains its snobbishness in this area. This is why gold, silver and platinum are known as noble metals.

    Please note that brass is an alloy and neither a metal nor an element nor a compound. So it is pointless to note what acid reacts with brass.

  3. Just about all of them (unless you start mixing them).

  4. any acid( e.g. HCl; HNO3) reacts with tin, brass and copper but not with gold. Only nitrohydrochloric acid("aqua regia") is reacting with gold. This is amixture of HCl and HNO3

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