
What acne scar medication works the best?

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Vitamin D?




  1. kay thiis may sound really werid but you know the food artichoke after making the artichokes the left over water if you drink it as tea ur belmishes will soon disaper that would be some old chinnese respie try it just dont but in sugar  

  2. Vitamin D

  3. i tell you what. when i was a kid, i had bad acne, i use to use everything.  nothing worked, clearasil daily cleanser i found out to be the best, but the best thing i ever did, was not clean my face at all, i stopped breaking out, and had no more pimples at all.

  4. 1) Cook oatmeal and apply on face for fifteen minutes and wash.

    2) Make a warm bath with blanch of nettle and rosemary.

    3) Apply equal amount of lemon juice and rose water with a cotton ball and wash it after haif an hour for 15 to 20 days.

    For dozens of more ways, prevention, types and reasons check

  5. Trust me...

    You should use herbal cream like Zenmed Scar and Hyperpigmentation Treatment:

    You can expect great results quickly and easily :-)

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