
What action steps would you take as an Indian Citizen to eliminate Corruption in our country?

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Corruption is like slow poison which is eating away our country's real talent and available resources are not properly utilized and is a major obstacle to our country's progress. To eliminate corruption is a major task and will surely take time. Now its time to make it happen !!!

As a good Indian citizen what solution would you recommend to remove this obstacle from the roots?




  1. Ensure that Religious Preachers are accountable and suitably dealt with if they Mix politics with religion.

    Equality of Opportunity for an Education should be offered but thereafter No Reservations for Castes or Creeds. It should only be on Merit towards further progress.

    Anti- Corruption squads should be a roving force of Ordinary but well chosen people . Corruption cases should be dealt with in special Courts.Corrupt gains should be removed from the corrupt and kept aside for re compensations. Persons convicted of Corruption should never be allowed to work again in a place of trust.

  2. Corruption is not a small issue which can be eliminated by just taking some actions or imposing law on citizens.Even with our collective effort it cannot be eliminated but ofcourse it can be reduced to greater extent.Like other problems most effective solution is awareness in our people.

    When people know that their leaders are corrupt they will definitely go beyond this castism and communism to raise their voice against that leader.

    Although i gave an example of politicians which in my opinion are the most known corrupt people,But this is not enough,anywhere people think corruption is there,should raise the their voice together.I assure, this will definitely help in reducing or rather first step in eliminating the corruption.

  3. It is going to take a lot to get that under control and anyone who takes up that banner, I fear, won't live long enough to make even the smallest dent.

    The problem with your country, and so many others, you have suffered from countless years of corruption.  It is part of your system, from social to government.

    The most corrupt place I have ever been too is the Philippines.  Never been to India, but have heard it is just as corrupt.

    In the USA we have a different type of corruption.  Its in the form of donations to political campaigns which results in favoritism by politicians.  That is one of the reasons we have a health care system that is the most expensive on the planet, along with a military industrial machine that exports, at the very least, 36% of the worlds arms.

    Honestly, I do not know the answer.  Corruption is a very powerful and greedy ally and people who would not otherwise be inhuman, are reduced to that kind of monster.

    The only way it can be done is to change societies acceptance along with very powerful laws that do not accept non compliance.  That can only be done quickly by a wholesale change of your political system and the people being really pizzzzed off.




  4. FORCE the police department to answer your questions, even if they don't want to!

    An automatic, fill-in-the-blank public-records request generator

    One of the most effective means of obtaining relevant information from police departments (including, for example, information regarding disciplinary procedures, statistics, and etc), is to submit a public records disclosure request. Such a request forces the agency to respond, and provides legal sanctions (including the awarding of attorney's fees and monetary damages), for failure to comply.

    The best example of how this technique can be used to force accountability upon the police is found on the website This site contains a wide variety of "personal" information regarding hundreds of police officers in the Puget Sound region of Washington State. All of this information was obtained via the Washington State public disclosure law, (supplemented with data purchased from commercial information brokers). It goes without saying that the cops are infuriated by this website.

  5. It's hard work in any country!  Even here in the USA!  Keep on them in the papers and on line and just keep hammering away.  Maybe some of you young idealistic folks will get elected in the years to come, and that will help as well.  BTW, Native American tribes here are called Indians sometimes -because Christopher Columbus thought he landed in India and the name stuck.  Also I sympathize with India and Indians.  Very old, wise, gentle culture.

  6. What about "Gandhigiri". I think all other options have been applied like Law against it, CBI n so on. Gndhigiri has not been implented yet.

    If Mahatma Gandhi is considered to be father of nation n he considered to be the man behind Indian independece turning out the Britishs from India. So why not this time again.

  7. Well, you need to understand the root cause of corruption.  Power is the source of corruption.  The more power government officials have, the more regulations, taxes and government controls used by government the greater the opportunity for corruption to flourish.  

    The founders of this country understood the formula well.  Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Limited government is the only cure to corruption.  Vote for political leaders that are commited to reducing taxes and regulations.  Taxes and regulations are the only leverage corrupt officials have to exercise their corruption.  Remove their leverage and the corruption can be eliminated.

  8. I would put behind bars all those who keep harping about "Corruption", and doing little to arrest it!

    They would be obliged to attened special  reorientation session for a month to study about 'corruption' in depth and     know  how different countries have solved it.Then an interwiew would be held to know that whether they have improved or not.Those who fail will undergo six momths rigorous  imprsonment!

  9. scalping politicians, its the only way.

  10. Immediately abolish all financial dealings through cash. Literally there should be no usage of currency. Every transaction through the bank/credit or debit cared. It all should be on board. Root out black money. Corruption is always done with the black money. Solution is simple. But, the political and official leadership do not want to do that for want of will.

  11. Indian? Who? Why? What are you talking about?

    You mean Native Americans?

    LOL Ya really gotta be more specific.

  12. If our home work is good, less chances of corruption. All want money. All want result in short time.

  13. Indian with feathers? Or seven eleven Indians?

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