
What action would make you fear a person? ur sun/moon/rising?

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yeh..jus' another question that i'm curious about.

cancer sun

aries rising

taurus moon




  1. I was gonna say if they can do permanent damage to me but that can apply to bosses and professors and it's not fear that I feel around them but respect.

    Maybe if they have a weapon and they look intent on using it on me. Then again, I shouldn't be afraid but be calm and look for an exit.


    I think if this person has the power to take away something I care about. But that can also be said to media giants like Fox that take away my favorite shows and delay my favorite films and I don't fear them but rather dislike them...


    Pisces Sun. Virgo Moon. Taurus Rising.

    Are you afraid of anything?

  2. When I see that that person is able to throw away people's feelings. If a person could do that, then they should have no problem being able to destroy people's lives. If a person could ruin another, without any hesitation or remorse, then that person is dangerous in my eyes.

  3. i like this question because its hard for me to be scared of someone or fear them. i would be scared of someone if they were a serial killer or something. or if they're stonger than me physically and emotionally. even then, i wont feel scared. then i get jealous, which turns into anger for me. i dont feel like myself unless i defeat someone.

    gemini sun

    capricorn rising

    virgo moon

  4. I erased it all...


    Sick people.

  5. Wow, this is an amazing question. It's actually quite difficult to think of the answer off hand...

    I guess what would scare me the most is someone who is unpredictable. Someone who uses petty ways to get back at you...ways that would not obviously be threatening or dangerous, but things that mentally torture you, or touch on your feelings. Someone who could potentially destroy your life without getting any trouble back at themselves.

    I suppose that I would also be frightened of someone who had such an impulsive anger, and the firepower to seriously hurt you. Someone that could not be calmed down by any level of rationality..just the pure intention to kill regardless of the consequences.

    Libra Sun

    Cancer Moon

    Libra Rising

  6. Hmm...if they were holding my family hostage,or just anybody,and knowing that they could kill them at anytime.

    Edit:to cranberry juice,she must be a devoted stalker,cuz shes got a TC badge.

  7. a simple death threat can scare me, even if its not to my face but heard through someone else.

    and Im a Virgo with a Cancer moon and a Libra rising.

  8. Yeah I agree with the libra girl above me. She's right on point. I would die if someone was mentally f**king with my life. and not getting in trouble for it! Also if someone pulled out a weapon on me if we were arguing. I would freak the f**k out. lol

  9. Only stalkers ask questions like that!

  10. mental illness

    leo sun

    leo rising

    sagittarius moon

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