
What actions can be recommended to the Internetional Whaling Commission to protect whales?

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please give me suggestions on whale protectionas early as possible




  1. The problem is that the IWC is a democratic organization. All recommendations are voted on and passed by the majority. At this time, the anti-whaling nations hold a majority of the seats. However, Japan has been working hard to gain admittance of new pro-whaling nations (mostly smaller nations in the carribean who see whaling as a way to increase their economic prosperity in an area where opportunities are limited). And Japan has been very successful at this. If this continues, it will not be long until the pro-whaling nations actually have a majority at which point the IWC will become an organization that allows whaling and sets whaling quotas.  So, i would say that the most important action the individual countries that are anti-whaling can do to protect whales is to do exactly what Japan is doing and recruit more anti-whaling countries before it is too late.

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